[過去ログ] 英語教師は自分の英語力をもっと磨くべき。 (981レス)
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(1): 2007/04/15(日)10:50 ID:uZWN14cy(1/3) AAS
If we have a good enough command of English to do what we want using it,
we shouldn't be bothered about whether our English is a little influenced
by our primary language, Japanese.
I don't know much about SLA either but I know how good (poor) my English
is. I should keep on using it to feel comfortable doing so. Otherwise,
it will soon deteriorate and won't feel like using it.
369: 2007/04/15(日)18:05 ID:uZWN14cy(2/3) AAS
Yes, we do, don't we? Most of the chores we have to deal with are
so beaurocratic and tedious, having nothing to do with what really matters.
370: 2007/04/15(日)18:14 ID:uZWN14cy(3/3) AAS
I agree with what they say in the article >>360.
We should read more simpler English books. What they teach in schools
is just opposite to what they suggest in the article; read just a few
sentences so complicately composed with grammatical complexities.
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