[過去ログ] 【なでしこJAPAN】 日本女子代表総合スレッド 522 (1002レス)

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815: (ワッチョイ ff88-+W2F [ [上級国民]]) 06/14(金)20:22 ID:sN4BnEI60(1) AAS
「守屋 → 清水 → 長野 → out」で
Olympic Football Tournaments Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024
Final Competition


In addition to the 18 players officially enrolled for the final competitions, each Participating Member Association is allowed, if deemed necessary, to select a maximum of four alternate players per team (one of whom should be a goalkeeper), who shall appear in the Provisional/Release List of players, but shall not be officially enrolled for the final competition and therefore shall not be allowed to play.
The following applies to these four alternate players.
(a) They are not among the 18 players officially enrolled in their team’s list of players and officials. They are not allowed to compete in the final competition unless the provisions of paragraph 1 (c) below apply.
(b) The purpose of selecting alternate players is, in principle, to have them available should one or more of the officially enrolled players sustain an injury or in the case of force majeure once the final competitions have started.
(c) Any request to change the status of an alternate player in order to enrol them in the official list of 18 players shall be made following approval and confirmation from the relevant FIFA committees and by following the IOC Late Athlete Replacement Policy. Once the replacement request has been approved by all parties, the relevant form shall be submitted in writing to the Paris 2024 accreditation centre(s) by the Chef de Mission of the respective NOC or other official NOC representative authorised to do so by the IOC Late Athlete Replacement Policy.
(d) The alternate players shall be numbered 19 to 22, with the number 22 being reserved for the alternate goalkeeper.
(e) All costs incurred by any alternate player (airfares, board, lodging, etc.) shall be borne by either the relevant Participating Member Association or the respective NOC.
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