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640: (ワッチョイ ffa5-+W2F [ [上級国民]]) 06/11(火)19:57 ID:2QjmJ8SO0(1) AAS
Bernardo Silva reveals plans to scupper Man Utd transfer
Neves has been heavily linked with a summer move away from Benfica, with United said to be among the leading clubs looking into a deal. His contract contains a release clause worth roughly £100m.

The 19-year-old has made great strides early in his career and has even secured a place in Portugal's squad for Euro 2024.

Speaking to O Jogo this week, Silva revealed he would advise Neves to sign for City instead of United if such an opportunity arose.

"I'd tell him to go to Manchester City," Silva replied when asked about United's interest in Neves.

"It's not easy. He's a player who, given his success last season, has many clubs wanting him. As a Portuguese and a player I like, I'd like to see him alongside me. But I want the best for him."
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