[過去ログ] 【AR】Americanized Romanized 【ローマ字日本語】 (767レス)

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737: Holii@Latin alphabet普及活動 ◆1pa6FdTE8I [http://alphabet.xxxxxxxx.jp/] 2008/07/10(木)18:30 AAS
Google News - Top Stories
JonBenet Ramsey case takes another twist - Examiner.com

Jesse Jackson Apologizes for Remarks on Obama - New York Times

California Heat Hampers Firefighters - New York Times

Patrols Outnumbered and Outgunned in Darfur Says UN - ABC News

Defiant Iran tests missiles to show strength in face of US warnings - guardian.co.uk

‘US poised to raid militant hideouts in Pakistan’ - PakTribune.com

G-8 Produces Only Minor Steps on Tough Global Challenges - istockAnalyst.com
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