[過去ログ] 多読のすすめ 2 (1001レス)
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901: 2013/03/20(水)22:43 AAS
Okay, then, I won't write in Japanese any more. From now on,
I will stick to English.
What I'm saying is that, although I respect grammar and grammarians,
I personally don't like grammar very much. It's not that I
don't think it's important. It's simply that grammar bores me a bit.
I simply can't stand reading a whole thick book of grammar.
I can't even stand a grammar book as thin as 500 long.
There has been one exception, though.
"現代英文法講義" by 安藤貞雄, I read it through twice several years ago.
I liked it. That is the only thick grammar book I have ever read through.
安藤貞雄 is a genius.
Back to my substantive discussion, although I respect grammar,
I don't read study much of it and I read a lot of books in English
and watch a lot of videos in English. For one thing, I enjoy reading.
For another thing, reading thousands of pages makes you comfortable
with the natural-sounding expressions.
Someone laughed at my idea that reading 100 paperbacks enables you to
write in English just as if English texts flowed through the tips of
your fingers. Well, I say that I was telling you the truth.
That was what I actually experienced after I read 100 paperbacks
when I was a college student.
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