[過去ログ] 英語は果たして本当に論理的な言語か 2 (891レス)

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(1): 2014/10/09(木)21:58 ID:rv6fOrLF(1/2) AAS


Phrasal Verbs:
pull ahead
To move ahead, as in a race.
pull away
1. To move away or backward; withdraw: The limousine pulled away from the curb.
2. To move ahead: The horse pulled away and took the lead in the race.
pull back
To withdraw or retreat.
pull down
1. To demolish; destroy: pull down an old office building.
2. To reduce to a lower level.
3. To depress, as in spirits or health.
4. Informal To draw (money) as wages: pulls down a hefty salary.
pull in
1. To arrive at a destination: We pulled in at midnight.
2. To rein in; restrain.
3. To arrest (a criminal suspect, for example).
pull off Informal
To perform in spite of difficulties or obstacles; bring off: pulled off a last-minute victory.
pull out
1. To leave or depart: The train pulls out at noon.
2. To withdraw, as from a situation or commitment: After the crash, many Wall Street investors pulled out.
pull over
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