[過去ログ] 英和辞典 12 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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925: 2015/10/17(土)12:31 ID:o9vjbmb2(1/5) AAS
926: 2015/10/17(土)12:34 ID:o9vjbmb2(2/5) AAS
 on hold:延期して

 新英和中7;(hold 名詞)(4)番目に 「一時延期」を記載、中辞典では一番上位にこの語義がある
 W3(7);最後に記載、なおW3(6)(古語))要塞 の記載あり、プログレッシブ4(13)隠れが[場所]
 ロングマン英和;G5同様に(名詞)に「延期」の語義なし、(on hold)のみ。
 なお(Longman英英)では(5)on hold、であり比較的上位の頻度とわかる、しかし英和辞典ではわからない★
  >>881 既報 修正 和英で改悪 ⇒ 英和で改悪

(Oxford) これも句動詞のみで掲載
 (CALD3) 【SUPPORT】【CONTROL】【DELAY】【SPACE】 この大区分が英和含めた中で一番わかりやすい。
    【DELAY】6 on hold ((C1)) C1レベルの中上級として頻度が高い語義だということが明確。
927: 2015/10/17(土)12:50 ID:o9vjbmb2(3/5) AAS

FOMC:ゼロ金利政策を維持−世界経済・金融市場の混乱が影響 (2)

118.559(9月4日夜安値) 米雇用統計

  [米8月雇用統計] 非農業部門雇用者数17.3万人、予想下回る 製造業雇用者数-1.7万人  失業率 5.1% 、予想以上の低下

(1): 2015/10/17(土)13:22 ID:HjK/d2U+(1) AAS
929: 2015/10/17(土)13:32 ID:pDz/EnMa(4/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

930: 2015/10/17(土)13:33 ID:pDz/EnMa(5/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

931: 2015/10/17(土)13:34 ID:pDz/EnMa(6/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

932: 2015/10/17(土)13:34 ID:pDz/EnMa(7/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

933: 2015/10/17(土)13:36 ID:pDz/EnMa(8/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

934: 2015/10/17(土)14:20 ID:o9vjbmb2(4/5) AAS
935: 2015/10/17(土)14:53 ID:pDz/EnMa(9/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

936: 2015/10/17(土)14:54 ID:pDz/EnMa(10/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

(1): 2015/10/17(土)14:54 ID:pDz/EnMa(11/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

938: 2015/10/17(土)15:14 ID:iopergsn(1) AAS
939: 2015/10/17(土)15:24 ID:pDz/EnMa(12/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

940: 2015/10/17(土)15:25 ID:pDz/EnMa(13/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

941: 2015/10/17(土)15:25 ID:pDz/EnMa(14/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

(1): 2015/10/17(土)15:32 ID:o9vjbmb2(5/5) AAS
Tim Duy 〜

943: 2015/10/17(土)15:38 ID:Zrm7ImOg(1) AAS
944: 2015/10/17(土)16:27 ID:pDz/EnMa(15/19) AAS
Tim Duy points us to a striking speech by Lael Brainard, who recently joined the Fed Board of Governors,
which takes a notably more dovish line than we’ve been hearing from Yellen and Fischer.
Basically, Brainard comes down on the Summers/DeLong/Krugman precautionary principle side of the debate,
arguing that given uncertainty about the path of the natural rate of interest,
and great asymmetry in the consequences of moving too soon versus too late,
rate hikes should be put on hold until you see the whites of inflation’s eyes.

あと 58 レスあります
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