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215: (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)01:36 ID:BgJSJSUp0(1/9) AAS
Did you name yourself after Captain Nemo, who is a character in the novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea?
230: (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)08:19 ID:BgJSJSUp0(2/9) AAS
DMM has a lot of problems.
As for the price of native speakers' lessons, DMM has already lost a competitive price advantage
because of the appearance of Cambly.
For the reason DMM have to focus its financial and management resources on lessons given by Serbian teachers.
Therefore the staff of DMM always claims advantages for taking the lessons.
Of course, there're not any advantages about Filipino's lessons from the beginning.
I hope DMM won't go bankrupt in the near future.
What do you think about my opinion?
231: (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)08:20 ID:BgJSJSUp0(3/9) AAS
Did you name yourself after Captain Nemo, who is a character in the novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea?
236: (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)10:25 ID:BgJSJSUp0(4/9) AAS
Although we entered into a contract with DMM on the condition that we never have personal contacts with its teachers, but
I heard some of the members seem to communicate personally with them.
Abiding his contract is an antisocial act.
We must engrave this in our hearts and should not do such a shameless thing.
237: (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)11:51 ID:BgJSJSUp0(5/9) AAS
Although we entered into a contract with DMM on the condition that we never have personal contacts with its teachers, but
I heard some of the members seem to communicate personally with them.
A breach of contract is an antisocial act.
We must engrave this in our hearts and should not do such a shameless thing.
248(2): (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)20:08 ID:BgJSJSUp0(6/9) AAS
Although we entered into a contract with DMM on the condition that we never have personal contacts with its teachers, but
I heard some of the members seem to communicate personally with them.
A breach of contract is an antisocial act.
We must engrave this in our hearts and should not do such a shameless thing.
What do you think about my opinion?
Answer in Englisn if you truly learn English.
251(1): (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)21:04 ID:BgJSJSUp0(7/9) AAS
I was going to ask my teacher whether time slots would be changed or not, but I found out all his schedule had been canceled.
I guess his student told him about the change of time slots.
252: (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)21:05 ID:BgJSJSUp0(8/9) AAS
Although we entered into a contract with DMM on the condition that we never have personal contacts with its teachers,
I heard some of the members seem to communicate personally with them.
A breach of contract is an antisocial act.
We must engrave this in our hearts and should not do such a shameless thing.
What do you think about my opinion?
Answer in Englisn if you truly learn English.
253(1): (ワッチョイ 15bd-ZBN+) 2017/09/28(木)21:09 ID:BgJSJSUp0(9/9) AAS
I think you don't need to put
→I think you don't have to put
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