[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 346 (1002レス)
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423(1): (ワッチョイ d1cc-mcoJ) 2019/02/11(月)01:32 ID:ALGwq+RK0(1/5) AAS
>Even if there is something called toxic masculinity, its influence is very small.
Even if there is such a thing as "toxic masculinity," its influence can't be that great.
>It can only kill 1 in 100000 people at most.
It could kill only one out of 100,000 at most.
>What really harmful to society is toxic femininity.
What IS really harmful to society is toxic femininity.
>I'm japanese and my country has been completely destructed by feminism combined with toxic femininity "hypergamy".
I'm Japanese and my country has been completely DESTROYED by feminism FUELED with toxic femininity and "hypergamy".
「toxic femininity "hypergamy"」が意味不明。
>The population of Japan decreased by 400,000 last year and this situation will speed up in the future.
... and this trend will accelerate in the future.
あと 579 レスあります
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