[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 355 (1002レス)
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531(1): (ワッチョイ 4e39-YCmz) 2019/06/19(水)05:13 ID:o9QqiEcx0(2/4) AAS
(7) I might not be able to ★touch you with my body★ alone.
(8) A Tag: A tag is the action of a fielder in ★touching a base with his body★
while holding the ball securely and firmly in his hand or glove; or touching ...
(9) I never ★touched his body with my body★,” Schreiber told The Journal News
outside the courthouse.
(10) Is the runner out if the fielder ★touches him with his body★ and not the ball?
No, he must be tagged with the ball, either while still in the glove or with the ball.
537: (ワッチョイ b6f0-nQaC) 2019/06/19(水)12:12 ID:2TSMqJUB0(2/2) AAS
>>523 >>525 >>530 >>531 >>535
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