[過去ログ] 雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 53 (1002レス)
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398(1): (ワッチョイ 024f-Unnp) 2023/04/13(木)01:06 ID:ACU1SNtZ0(1) AAS
If you have time to spend your leisure time playing games and having fun,
you should set a goal and get a proper qualification to prove your ability so that you will not suffer from a feeling of inferiority and not have to live a life that is so disgusting that you have to put up an air of pretense to hide your lack of confidence, and not look down on others to maintain your self-esteem.
I was able to rebuild my life by severing bad relationships with others who put on a false bravado to hide their lack of self-confidence and looked down on others to maintain their self-esteem.
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