[過去ログ] [English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 26 (1002レス)
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757: 🥺三年英太郎🤯◆3CZBjOt3.Y (ワッチョイW 9286-iBQ4) [agape] 2023/06/18(日)10:36 ID:2G3i6EES0(1/3) AAS
There が省略出来るって初耳なんですが🤔
758: 🥺三年英太郎🤯◆3CZBjOt3.Y (ワッチョイW 9286-iBQ4) [agape] 2023/06/18(日)10:52 ID:2G3i6EES0(2/3) AAS
There のみね
(1): 🥺三年英太郎🤯◆3CZBjOt3.Y (ワッチョイW 9286-iBQ4) [agape] 2023/06/18(日)11:03 ID:2G3i6EES0(3/3) AAS
AIN’T= isn’t (coll.). "Ain’t nothing but a heartache"= it isn’t anything but a heartache= it’s only a heartache.

AIN’T NOTHING= "it isn’t nothing". Notice the double negative. That’s incorrect in standard English but it happens in colloquial speech and dialects. It should be "it is nothing"

HEARTACHE= "a headache" is when your head hurts, feels painful. A "heartache" is when your heart hurts (not physically, but emotionally, because of love). Notice the pronunciation of the ending –ACHE (as in "ake").


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