[過去ログ] [English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 26 (1002レス)
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(1): ブタ耳 (ワッチョイW 8fe3-/MSl) 2023/05/17(水)00:53 ID:iGmAVytH0(1/5) AAS
○○ of whom の○○の箇所に名詞が入る文をChatGPTに生成してもらった。すべて文法的に正しい英文だと思われる。、

Create five sentences which contain the phrase "the N of whom". Here, “N” is a noun, and the phrase must be such as can be replaced by “whose N”.

Chat GPT(GPT-3.5):
1. I met several authors at the literary festival, the works of whom have been widely acclaimed.
2. The company hired a team of engineers, the expertise of whom has greatly contributed to our technological advancements.
3. We invited a group of musicians to perform at the concert, the melodies of whom enchanted the audience.
4. The organization awarded scholarships to students, the academic achievements of whom were outstanding.
5. The art gallery showcased the paintings of various artists, the creativity and vision of whom were awe-inspiring.
414: ブタ耳 (ワッチョイW 8fe3-/MSl) 2023/05/17(水)00:57 ID:iGmAVytH0(2/5) AAS

ForefrontChat (Helpful assistant):
1. The teacher, the enthusiasm of whom was contagious, inspired all her students to pursue their passions. (whose enthusiasm)
2. The artist, the talent of whom was recognized worldwide, had a major exhibition in the city. (whose talent)
3. The scientist, the discoveries of whom revolutionized the field, was awarded a prestigious prize. (whose discoveries)
4. The author, the imagination of whom captivated readers, released a new book this year. (whose imagination)
5. The athlete, the dedication of whom was unparalleled, broke multiple world records. (whose dedication)
416: ブタ耳 (ワッチョイW 8fe3-/MSl) 2023/05/17(水)10:09 ID:iGmAVytH0(3/5) AAS

Create five sentences which contain the phrase "S V O the N of whom". Here, “S” is the subject of the sentence, “V” is a predicative verb, “O“ is the object, and “N” is a noun. The phrase must be such as can be replaced by “S V O whose N’”. There must be no comma in the phrase.
Finally, rate the naturalness of each sentence on a percentage scale (0 ~ 100%).

ForefrontChat (GPT-4):
1. The manager hired the employee the skills of whom were highly recommended by the previous employer.
(Naturalness: 85%)

2. The director cast the actor the performance of whom had impressed everyone during the audition.
(Naturalness: 87%)
417: ブタ耳 (ワッチョイW 8fe3-/MSl) 2023/05/17(水)10:35 ID:iGmAVytH0(4/5) AAS
2chスレ:english ChatGPTに質問してみた
(1): ブタ耳 (ワッチョイW 8fe3-/MSl) 2023/05/17(水)10:42 ID:iGmAVytH0(5/5) AAS
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