[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 366 (1002レス)
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191: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)01:53 ID:+tPVs1iy0(6/43) AAS
imgur にアップするとexifを勝手に消してくれるのです
192(1): 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:12 ID:+tPVs1iy0(7/43) AAS
193(1): 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:14 ID:+tPVs1iy0(8/43) AAS
>補の主要部の形容詞・名詞が通例程度の差が考えられないものでも,程度を表す修飾語句を伴って 補全体が程度を表すものになっていれば seem 補の形が使われることもある.
〈例〉The problem seems pretty much agricultural.
この「程度の差」のあるなしの方が seem (to be) のキーの気がするが🤔
194(2): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)02:26 ID:ngX2t+IMH(7/25) AAS
「は」 と 「が」 の違いや使い分けを説明してみろや
You seem to be gay
You seem gay
195(1): 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:34 ID:+tPVs1iy0(9/43) AAS
>要はto beを入れた方が「断言を避けている」というニュアンスがあって、抜いた方が「確信を持って言ってる」のニュアンスがあるのだと私は思います。
196(1): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)02:38 ID:ngX2t+IMH(8/25) AAS
197: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:42 ID:+tPVs1iy0(10/43) AAS
198: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:45 ID:+tPVs1iy0(11/43) AAS
He seems gay.もgayがadj.だからいいか
199: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:48 ID:+tPVs1iy0(12/43) AAS
200: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)02:53 ID:+tPVs1iy0(13/43) AAS
seem gay の方が多かった(COCA)
201(1): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)02:54 ID:ngX2t+IMH(9/25) AAS
LMAO you literally don't know English.
Idk who you think you are レスバ'ing with me over English this long when you don't even fucking understand the thing you're arguing over.
This is why you will never fucking learn English you stupid tourist. Thought you could learn English if you just went to a foreign country? Think again, retard.
I'm pretty sure 90% of your posts are bad faith, but with that aside I can't believe the egregious amounts of copium you are on.
It honestly surprises me you can be so sure of something but then say shit like, "oh I don't understand!" when you're tested lmao.
It would have been まだしも if you had just presented your doubts in a civil manner. But no, you go and call me a fake native because I said English has more direct expressions and because I was wrong about 1 thing. I have never seen a かまってちゃん on this scale before. Posting your Japanese passport? What for? Posting your tourist destinations? Cool. But I still haven't seen you write anything in English. If you're going to accuse someone of being non-native, let alone fucking talk about English, then at least have some basic fucking knowledge you idiot.
I would have nicely explained what the differences between those 3 sentences are, but guess what? I will never explain anything to a piece of shit like you, ever. I am honestly embarrassed I even bothered with you in the first place, "Ei-chan".
202(1): 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)03:05 ID:+tPVs1iy0(14/43) AAS
Your English finally has convinced me that you are not a native English speaker😏
In Japanese, you know your way around casual expressions, jargon, and trite grammar, while your English is so plain plain and has no mannerisms.
I know someone like you. ガメオベール🤭
203: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)03:11 ID:ngX2t+IMH(10/25) AAS
Alright point out what's wrong with it exactly.
If you can't do this, you are just speaking out of your ass.
Plain and no mannerisms? Do you actually have down syndrome? Can't you read what I wrote?
204: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)03:17 ID:+tPVs1iy0(15/43) AAS
Well, I've never said I was fluent or advanced in English. I come to 5ch to study English.
So it's annoying when I see some unsubstantiated answers from self-proclaimed native speakers here🥲
205: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)03:22 ID:+tPVs1iy0(16/43) AAS
206(2): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)03:27 ID:ngX2t+IMH(11/25) AAS
In other words, you pulled that out of your ass and are just arguing in bad faith.
Lemme correct your terrible English mate.
>finally has
has finally
No one fucking says this. Say uncommon or old instead.
>plain plain
207: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)03:30 ID:+tPVs1iy0(17/43) AAS
I just pointed out that your answer was different from what Olex said. I do not remember mentioning which was correct...
well, gaijin-san (shameless netouyo japanese) is probably wrong, though 🤪
208: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)03:31 ID:ngX2t+IMH(12/25) AAS
209: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)03:32 ID:+tPVs1iy0(18/43) AAS
That proved I didn't use chatGPT😉
210: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)03:35 ID:ngX2t+IMH(13/25) AAS
Who cares. Your English still sucks. I don't know who the fuck you think you are deciding who is native or not lmao.
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