[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 366 (1002レス)

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230: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)06:26 ID:ngX2t+IMH(21/25) AAS
Because I honestly don't feel like posting on this thread when I have people saying, "oh you're a fake native, aren't you."
I've came all this way to post on this board to help people out and I really did not appreciate not being shown basic respect.
Also, my Japanese is not native level, so I don't appreciate being called "nihonjin", because it's just not accurate. I say things Japanese people do not say. My sentences lose their integrity when I type long sentences. I make mistakes here and there.
I am trying to improve at Japanese every day, I know full and well that I am nowhere near done with my learning journey, so it actually annoys me being told there is nothing wrong with my Japanese. If you look at my Japanese with a strict eye, you can probably start to understand where I differ from a Japanese person.
Now, I know this is 5ch and people being haters is to be expected, but I honestly expected good feedback from others for my responses. I was genuinely upset people were making baseless accusations instead.
I should learn to スルー better, I know, but I felt the need to respond in case others start thinking the same thing.
231: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)07:31 ID:+tPVs1iy0(27/43) AAS
232: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)07:54 ID:ngX2t+IMH(22/25) AAS
じゃー あなたdiscord垢あるからネイティブがいる鯖に参加して意見を聞いてみな
233: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)07:54 ID:ngX2t+IMH(23/25) AAS
234: (ワッチョイ 4af0-fleF) 2023/08/28(月)08:22 ID:8KQydT+g0(1/2) AAS
(? ”ユーモア+ちょぴりイヤミ” ?)

(1): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)08:24 ID:ngX2t+IMH(24/25) AAS
236: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GB 0H32-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)08:25 ID:ngX2t+IMH(25/25) AAS
(1): (ワッチョイ 4af0-fleF) 2023/08/28(月)08:30 ID:8KQydT+g0(2/2) AAS
ホントに?   だとしたら、申し訳ない。

(1): 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ d996-TDjq) 2023/08/28(月)09:15 ID:+fZFMGJ20(1/16) AAS
Your English has finally convinced me のほうが finally has より自然。外人さんは、そこをわかっているし、生粋の英国人であるかどうかはともかく、現地で実用英語を習得した人であることは間違いなさそうだ。

"Your English has finally convinced me" is more natural than "finally has." Gaijin-san understands such slight sentence irregularities that Japanese would not notice, and whether or not he is a genuine Englishman, he seems to be someone who learned practical English locally. It is certain that he has a native-like sense of English. However, one would need to back up his correctness, as native English speakers do not always say what is academically correct. However, it is very interesting just to know that one native English speaker feels this way, so I am glad he is here all the time.

Does this English sentence of mine exceed his Japanese? 😃
239: 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ d996-TDjq) 2023/08/28(月)09:17 ID:+fZFMGJ20(2/16) AAS
>>237 そう簡単に信じるか? 相手は、5ちゃんキャラ全開だぞ 😃
(1): 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ d996-TDjq) 2023/08/28(月)09:47 ID:+fZFMGJ20(3/16) AAS
>>238 訂正
Do these English sentences of mine exceed his Japanese? 😃
(1): (ワッチョイ 8689-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)09:50 ID:k7WMlNx10(1/2) AAS

(2): 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GBW 0H32-lCj4) 2023/08/28(月)09:50 ID:JWFYdzgKH(1/3) AAS

(2): 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)09:52 ID:+tPVs1iy0(28/43) AAS
244: (ワッチョイW 259d-RVTD) 2023/08/28(月)09:52 ID:hDa6SHtM0(1/3) AAS
245: 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ d996-TDjq) 2023/08/28(月)10:05 ID:+fZFMGJ20(4/16) AAS
I made the sentences better. ↓ 

"Your English has finally convinced me" is more natural than "finally has." Gaijin-san understands subtle sentence irregularities that Japanese people might not notice. Regardless of whether he is truly an Englishman or not, he seems like someone who has learned practical English in an English-speaking country. He certainly possesses a native-like sense of English. However, one would need to support his correctness, as native English speakers don't always adhere to academic correctness. Nevertheless, it's quite interesting to gain insight into the perspective of a native English speaker, so I'm glad he's always around. --- Does my English writing ability exceed his Japanese writing ability?

I don't wish to point out any errors in this statement, but if you wish to point them out, you are welcome to do so.
246: 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ d996-TDjq) 2023/08/28(月)10:07 ID:+fZFMGJ20(5/16) AAS
ネイティブが、finally hasを見たら、has finallyと訂正したくなる気持ちはわかる。🙂
247: 🥺英ちゃん🥺 (ワッチョイW 7504-Mz44) [agape] 2023/08/28(月)10:08 ID:+tPVs1iy0(29/43) AAS

248: 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ d996-TDjq) 2023/08/28(月)10:13 ID:+fZFMGJ20(6/16) AAS
それよりも、かわいい女の子がキスしてきたら、追い払うの? 信じられないんだけど 🙂
(1): (ワッチョイ ca4f-lN7b) 2023/08/28(月)10:14 ID:yIdC4dVT0(1/17) AAS
I apologize to you instead of the gay.
I know he needs to improve in English.
He is attacking you because he has a deep inferiority complex due to his limited English.
I hope you keep visiting this forum to offer sound advice to learners of English.
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