[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 366 (1002レス)
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445(1): The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ 8689-dlFE) 2023/08/31(木)09:27 ID:mQh9OeJ70(3/7) AAS
>>makes the sentence more understandable and it have better rhythm in reading it.
Sorry for butting in, but do you think that adding "will be addressed" would make the sentence more rhythmical?
I don't think it ever would. I'm positive that natives omit it precisely because it would make it redundant,
superfluous, and far less rhythmical.
Just as 外人-san commented, a good replacement for "as will" in that case would be "as well as."
And that makes perfect sense. If only we memorize that simple tip, everything will be all right.
No more need to ever bother ourselves by thinking of possibly adding that superfluous "will be addressed."
Jus saying.
446: (ワッチョイ 8689-dlFE) 2023/08/31(木)09:28 ID:mQh9OeJ70(4/7) AAS
Sorry for butting in, but do you **really** think that adding "will be addressed" would make the sentence more rhythmical?
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