[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 366 (1002レス)
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456(4): (オッペケ Sred-qoQu) 2023/08/31(木)20:25 ID:yMwcrmwSr(1) AAS
I’m thinking of going to your country to see you the end of the year but if you aren’t gonna say anything, it’s meaningless. Actually you have been ignoring my message.
459: 外人◆a0V.EBsnGU (GBW 0H32-lCj4) 2023/08/31(木)21:28 ID:WXX2VSb3H(4/7) AAS
I’m thinking of going to your country to see you the end of the year but if you aren’t gonna say anything, it’s meaningless. Actually you have been ignoring my message.
I'm thinking of going to your country to meet you at the end of the year but if you aren't even gonna say anything then there's literally no point. And you've literally been ignoring my messages.
aren't even gonna say anythingをaren't even gonna replyに書き換えればもっといいかも
I'm thinking ofをI've been thinking ofに書き換えるといいもっと自然な気がしますが
460(1): (ワッチョイW 1a8a-XQRU) 2023/08/31(木)21:47 ID:E1vjTKzq0(2/5) AAS
その自力ので大体言いたいことは言えてるし良いと思うけど、とりあえずthe end の前にatとかabout はいるよね
あとそのActually は抜いちゃっていいと思う
I’m thinking of going to your country to see you at the end of the year, but I feel it empty if you keep ignoring my messages. Are you gonna say nothing?
468(3): (ワッチョイ c623-xnAW) 2023/09/01(金)01:02 ID:il3hcuwO0(1/4) AAS
I've been left in goddamn limbo for some time now,
and I'll be unable to get out of that quandary
pending my own decision on whether or not
I should go to your country by the end of the year.
My visit to and sojourn in your motherland
would be of little avail,
if your goddamn lips wouldn't even budge a nanometre
to create a chink with the possibility of letting some words be ejected.
You cannot deny that my sincere messages, alas,
472(1): The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ 8689-dlFE) 2023/09/01(金)04:08 ID:NZn0uu8E0(1/7) AAS
>>I'm thinking of ●going● to your country to see you...
going を使ってらっしゃいますけど、こういうときには
coming じゃないといけないかのように、私は思っていました。
Google 検索してみるとどちらでもよいかのように見えますが、やはり
come to your country to see you
go to your country to see you
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