chat in english (英語で雑談) part 228 (409レス)

(1): (ベーイモ MM06-y7ri) 2024/12/30(月)16:14 ID:lpYFKqXnM(1) AAS
Seems you live in 1999.
222: (ワッチョイW 1778-RoPQ) 2024/12/30(月)16:23 ID:roxnR5F20(1) AAS
As for the great king of terror, I already routed him.
(1): (ワッチョイW 639d-4L+B) 2024/12/30(月)17:52 ID:DYNz5fpi0(2/2) AAS
Having used pixel 8a for over 6 months. I realised one thing. Android sucks! Thank for listening.
224: (ワッチョイW 1775-RoPQ) 2024/12/31(火)00:40 ID:CA0HPizt0(1) AAS
It is New Year's Eve. There is one day left in this year.
Have you finished cleaning up and preparing for next year?
(2): (ベーイモ MM06-y7ri) 2024/12/31(火)02:53 ID:m7ciAWjjM(1/2) AAS
Android had no progress for ten years!
226: (ベーイモ MM06-y7ri) 2024/12/31(火)02:54 ID:m7ciAWjjM(2/2) AAS
227: (ワッチョイW aa93-RoPQ) 2024/12/31(火)15:41 ID:EEq8DELw0(1) AAS
I have just returned from shopping. Ten kilos of the bag is too heavy for me.
My palms and shoulders have pain.
(1): (ワッチョイW 9af0-6SfT) 01/01(水)11:42 ID:6xStCAsy0(1) AAS
What are you doing in this year
229: (ワッチョイW 639d-4L+B) 01/01(水)11:48 ID:MY7ONNXC0(1/4) AAS
Android users always look done on iPhone and say like android phones are superior in terms of everything, so I got it.

My verdict? Android(pixel) sucks! What bugs me most is that its keyboards!
230: (ワッチョイW 1a41-RoPQ) 01/01(水)11:53 ID:j8DU7SkP0(1) AAS
I'm taking the TOEIC test in February.
231: (ワッチョイW 639d-4L+B) 01/01(水)12:09 ID:MY7ONNXC0(2/4) AAS
By the way, I have 985 of TOEIC score. In reality, it's not helping, but get some jealousies. I advise you that you don't tell people your TOEIC score if yours are good high score.
232: (ワッチョイW 8b9d-Rce1) 01/01(水)12:33 ID:EVGLl+8i0(1) AAS
I've never taken the TOEIC test though who cares?
233: (ワッチョイW 639d-4L+B) 01/01(水)13:01 ID:MY7ONNXC0(3/4) AAS
You're right. No one cares.
234: (スップ Sd5a-mG/w) 01/01(水)18:23 ID:1u+hcDNOd(1) AAS
Is this guy trying to smell girl's bottoms?
235: Mr. decent (ワッチョイ 9a69-Nl0t) 01/01(水)19:05 ID:tt+g5Fty0(1) AAS
Hey you guys! How are you doing?
Do you remember me?
I came here around this time last year.
Your English is terrible as usual.
You seem to make no progress, to be honest, I'm disappointed.
My advice is simple, the more you write, the better your English will be.
I hope you will take my advice and you'll be fluent English speaker and writer this year.
(3): (ワッチョイW 639d-4L+B) 01/01(水)21:04 ID:MY7ONNXC0(4/4) AAS
Your Engrish sucks.
(2): (ワッチョイW 7a05-RoPQ) 01/01(水)23:29 ID:bDvnb5qM0(1) AAS
Oh! I remember. You are the guy who ran out.
(1): (ワッチョイW 639d-4L+B) 01/02(木)12:51 ID:/Tkp6eU10(1) AAS
I cut my fingers with a knife. Ouch!
(2): Mr.decnet (ワッチョイ 9a69-Nl0t) 01/02(木)13:26 ID:TvnkS/3W0(1) AAS
What makes you think so?
Can you write English better than me?
If so, prove it.
I'm most fluent speaker in the 5 channel, at least this theread

I did not run away
I'd like to train you, but I don't have so much time
Besides this is something you have to figure out on you own and act your own.

240: (ワッチョイ 2377-Nl0t) 01/02(木)21:08 ID:Fh3mcBf00(1) AAS
Check and Clean everyday.
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