chat in english (英語で雑談) part 228 (375レス)
21(1): (ワッチョイW 579d-ujOH) 2024/11/22(金)19:38 ID:vteX88+G0(3/3) AAS
How can I be rude?
22(2): (ワッチョイW 676c-5ngk) 2024/11/23(土)01:59 ID:tKsmyoAg0(1/2) AAS
Recently, I found a standing bar that provides a morning set with beer.
It is good to have a drink in the morning occasionally.
23: (ワッチョイW 579d-ujOH) 2024/11/23(土)03:12 ID:gzw7jfnV0(1/2) AAS
Are you alcoholic?
24: (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)08:42 ID:VVS74/daa(1/5) AAS
Tax Dep. is targetting there.
25: (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)08:47 ID:VVS74/daa(2/5) AAS
Be doped.
26(1): (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)08:48 ID:VVS74/daa(3/5) AAS
In Nishinari?
27: (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)09:05 ID:VVS74/daa(4/5) AAS
I'm checking AI 英会話 on free
Not so good not so bad.
28(1): (ワッチョイW 676c-5ngk) 2024/11/23(土)09:20 ID:tKsmyoAg0(2/2) AAS
No, it is on the Motomachi shopping street, Kobe.
Several standing bars open in the morning there.
29(1): (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)09:37 ID:VVS74/daa(5/5) AAS
I have heard that the street has so many
maisons of Gaijins is wasted getting so many spaces without shop moving out.
I guess Kobe is getting like Nishinari for that situation.
Is it right?
30(1): (ワッチョイW 7bde-5ngk) 2024/11/23(土)12:52 ID:aSTKPLx10(1) AAS
No, not at all.
Many bars, pubs, and diners have been on the Motomachi shopping street for decades, but civil order is not bad.
Having said the Motomachi shopping street, which is a side street, not the main street, though.
31(1): (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)18:08 ID:yGm8j1ina(1/2) AAS
No No!
You're lier.
There's like a ghost town called おしゃれ西成.
A 特集 in some news program says so.
The fact is already revealed.
32(1): (ワッチョイW 579d-KHsx) 2024/11/23(土)18:29 ID:gzw7jfnV0(2/2) AAS
I want a 石油ストーブ.
33(1): (アウアウウー Sa3b-jspb) 2024/11/23(土)18:42 ID:yGm8j1ina(2/2) AAS
Are you in Kitaguni?
34(2): (ワッチョイW 6789-ujOH) 2024/11/23(土)21:39 ID:Lh3Ls2KM0(1) AAS
I want this. I want to experience boiling eggs on the stove. Also I want to lead 丁寧な暮らし.
35: (アウアウウー Sa3b-5ngk) 2024/11/23(土)22:59 ID:o9D7aPAQa(1/2) AAS
Aren't you confused with any place else?
I sometimes go there on the weekend, and many people walk and shop there.
The street near the Kobe station to the Sannomiya station is throughout the shopping street, and it has had many people since I was a child.
36(1): (アウアウウー Sa3b-5ngk) 2024/11/23(土)23:07 ID:o9D7aPAQa(2/2) AAS
Isn't it a stove used in the house?
A normal stove, for example, a reflective stove, is cheaper than that.
37: (ワッチョイW 979d-0RY/) 2024/11/24(日)02:58 ID:j7xqrfFA0(1/7) AAS
I know. I need to be careful about what I eat, but I can’t do that..
I’m gonna hit the gym later and prolly do some 有酸素 exercise for like 30mins.
38(1): (ワッチョイW 979d-aYTf) 2024/11/24(日)03:35 ID:j7xqrfFA0(2/7) AAS
I think it's a reflective stove. If I had money, I would love to buy one from アラジン. But those are expensive.
39(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-kv3e) 2024/11/24(日)12:49 ID:uyemlff2a(1) AAS
It seems to be called the blue flame stove by Aladdin.
A reflective stove, in general, is called a radiant heater in English and is like the one below, which is a bit cheaper than a blue flame one.
40(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-8bf6) 2024/11/24(日)13:54 ID:DztG6d9Sa(1) AAS
I feel stove and 丁寧な暮らし is mismatch.
What's your idea between them?
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