[過去ログ] The Rules of Deletion (637レス)
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14(1): 2006/08/13(日)01:03 ID:nIbtUnEP(2/2) AAS
スパム広告の削除、個人の電話番号 児童ポルノなど JIM氏が示した意向は全て網羅されています 数はすくないですがね。
27: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/13(日)05:50 ID:6osIfUEw(5/17) AAS
>>8 Do you read a provisional guideline properly?
In the reorganized item in this guideline, standards about a little deletion
that manager JIM-san showed are listed properly.
All the intention that JIM-san such as deletion of a spam advertisement,
personal phone number child porno showed is covered all. There is few quantity.
If there is only the recognition that you seem to have spoken with >>8
I think that you should not do a volunteer.
I think that Jim-san had better decide which is a point.
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