[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10 (1001レス)
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(11): 2008/09/20(土)15:55 ID:bziT2ATa(1/6) AAS

I'm user in pink-thread.
The specific user was excluded without the user's understanding "One deleator".
"One deleator" isn't also listening to volunteer's other advice and is doing a one-
sided elimination act.

There are several questions.
Please tell me.

1.Do you think volunteer's have a legal responsibility stress of site maintenance?

2.>>670 They're confused by where to report it.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2008/09/20(土)16:13 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for thinking about my health...:)
I am sorry if you were deleted by mistake. I am responsible when that happens.
I didn't do it though. げおめんあさい すみーません orz

1. They do not have legal responsibility.
2. Somewhere in Japan I guess. Words are not against the law in the USA.
There are no images on Pink Channel.
3. Volunteers have no legal responsibility.
4. Really? I never thought that way.
We also have a site policy here. These questions you ask are addressed in it.
719: 712 2008/09/20(土)21:06 ID:bziT2ATa(4/6) AAS
* Case One

202 people before: Nameless, Mr.,@ pinky Contribution day : 2008/09/18 Thursday 02:00:58 ID:2X6zAwV3O

It's May. I disappear, and this problem wouldn't be a settled reason, but it's a big problem so much,
and that I have made everyone be confused doesn't have, and I think I have the cause, so I'll apologize deeply.
At the front, who, it isn't imposed, I'm not less than 18 years old as it was called and I declared.
But if it's a policy of Mr. operation, I'll think that it's said that you soon disappear from here in doubted time,
so even if I complain any more, it'll be wasteful and what intension that you'll dry personal information and
720: 712 2008/09/20(土)21:07 ID:bziT2ATa(5/6) AAS
I'm sorry. 23→712
721: 712 2008/09/20(土)21:13 ID:bziT2ATa(6/6) AAS
* Case Other

173 people before: Devised◆ 6 ApjIZaykA [sage] contribution day : 2008/09/17 Wednesday
00:44:55 ID:Vv5YAxkeO

  Writing in becomes slow and I apologize for that.
I'm not less than 18 years old and there is also no remembrance which set a doubted remark
to less than 18 years old.
But now when such misunderstanding has happened dries personal information from here,
even and I wouldn't like to do a goddess act.
722: 712 2008/09/21(日)15:18 ID:FFkiB6aF(1/4) AAS
I'm sorry.
English is automatic translation.
When there is a misleading way of telling, you can't go, so Japanese is also carried.

日本語版 一部改訂
Dear。 ジムさん

私はピンクのユーザーです。 私はあなたにサイトで起こったことを知ってほしく、再度連絡しました。
723: 712 2008/09/21(日)15:18 ID:FFkiB6aF(2/4) AAS



 一連の一部ボランティアによる行為は、掲示板では"witchhunt"として表現されています。 今月2人の
727: 712 2008/09/21(日)16:45 ID:FFkiB6aF(3/4) AAS
>His interpretation is not true.
Please explain to all users first where it's wrong in Japanese.


You introduced this thread.

730: 712 2008/09/21(日)21:42 ID:FFkiB6aF(4/4) AAS
Dear. Mr.Jim
How are you? Sight view come to brown.

I wrote in much. I'm sorry Sincerity.
And, >>718 was wrong translation probably.

But I wish you to know "What happen in pinkbbs."
So, I posted in 2chスレ:erobbs

In My English. It makes misunderstand.
If you can do.
Please translate accurately.
An e-mail of the same contents sent to "info" and "Jim".
736: 712 2008/09/22(月)22:05 ID:IYaS9kIj(1) AAS
Dear. Jim
 Thank you very much for your answer.Your answer is a topic between the volunteer.
But volunteers analyzes variously about your answer(in particular, the person I pointed out ).

I expect this site Proprietor.
Please teach the volunteer " What is good ?" "What is NG ? ".
By all means, please make contact with a volunteer.

I didn't mention the name of a specific volunteer deliberately.
I'd like to expect a possibility of the future.

But, if the volunteer that was pointed out repeat same action,I'll "report" to Mr.Jim.
(1): 712 2008/10/03(金)22:32 ID:dx5vaCOW(2/3) AAS
I'm 712.
(1): 712 2008/10/05(日)01:01 ID:nECbJnxL(1) AAS
Dear Mr.Jim

Thank you for clarifying the opinion.
I was able to dispel the guess that I had thought about.

in >819
" It really is better to just post this here. We can talk about it in public, and then solve this problem.
I don't think Greenday is trying to crush the goddess board. I think Greenday has the best of intentions to make
BBSPINK the best place for us to enjoy ourselves. "

I feel that "Contribution to anonymous bulletin board" and "E-mail to manager" are different.
Someone was advicesd me " hear it directly ".
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