[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part18 (1001レス)

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952: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/05/27(日)15:23 ID:rwAtKlh2(1) AAS
Hahahahaha. Now I get it. I will study hard and learn more kanji.
953: Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/05/29(火)05:00 ID:jQQF5V4d(1/4) AAS
Does bbspink allow board whole mirroring? (with affiliate link)
There're many exist. >>740
(1): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/05/29(火)05:34 ID:7uD0ZRf/(1) AAS
No, we do not allow that.
955: Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/05/29(火)09:31 ID:jQQF5V4d(2/4) AAS
Could I report abuse for these violation sites?
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/05/29(火)09:41 ID:jQQF5V4d(3/4) AAS
to improve MARU revenue, we would more strict these leech contents sites.
957: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/05/29(火)16:19 ID:zgwxJ0o/(1) AAS
I agree with that. It has to be done, or all will be lost. When I find the copy sites I have been sending take down requests to their ISP. This has had some success, but I don't
know all the copy sites.
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/05/29(火)17:27 ID:jQQF5V4d(4/4) AAS
I checked these >>740 sites, all of them except last one are still working..
959: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/05/29(火)19:06 ID:zoOwg72D(1) AAS
Thank you for that. I will check on it again.
960: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/05/29(火)19:12 ID:lO2mua/p(1) AAS
The good thing about that is the sites we have gotten closed down are not listed there.
We will have to move to the next level with those.
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/05/30(水)18:15 ID:xnXlWg19(1) AAS
I collected 2ch/pink's additional premium services.
Is it correct?

Could you state like these services officially?
There're many NTtec & Brazil's service, but we don't know these service merits differnce well.
962: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/05/30(水)19:39 ID:dPXSl1Zr(1) AAS
That sounds very good. I wish I was collecting PinkPremium. We should make a product like that.
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/01(金)08:56 ID:A0OQ+LL7(1/5) AAS
> _PINK_vip\d+.maido3.net 規制

2ch server admin blocks writing with VPN..
(1): ◆ERO/DUMPAE 2012/06/01(金)10:19 ID:eo/fXhQF(1) AAS
Unnecessary reports ?

If regulate the ISP, contact will be sent to the address to ISP manager.
Mr. JIM is the administrator of the ISP.
(1): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/01(金)11:59 ID:YO3Zd+uK(1) AAS
Who is the 2ch server admin these days?
966: Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/01(金)12:22 ID:A0OQ+LL7(2/5) AAS
They hides it..
Mr.Hiroyuki and Yakin says that they couldn't contact to you. >>933
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/01(金)16:22 ID:A0OQ+LL7(3/5) AAS
If we have abuse posting IP lookup tool, and posting blacklist (BBQ) registration acccount,
these probrem will not happen. (Now we rely it on the 2ch staff's.)

Could we equip these system?
(1): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/01(金)16:40 ID:0Wqo7nyQ(1) AAS
I had this ability before, but with the current servers it was removed. It is one step forward, but two steps backwards. I am completely frustrated by the childish nature
of these anonymous 2ch staffs. What is needed will be made, and will never be allowed
to be taken care of by anonymous again.
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/01(金)17:29 ID:A0OQ+LL7(4/5) AAS
I frustrated too.. 2ch can block IP pinpointly with BBQ system.
But they block with IP-range, although VPN is static IP.
970: ◆x/qYPRQKfqJj 2012/06/01(金)18:05 ID:o6eDHhnW(1) AAS
I think we need the KORAKORA sytem, too.
That blocks atacking user for two hours.

(1): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/01(金)19:19 ID:L99k7Bbj(1) AAS
They are doing it maliciously. I need a list of the things that we need, and their functions.
We will remake them.
Like the deletion system. We had to build our own. We will do that for all things.
972: Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/01(金)21:32 ID:A0OQ+LL7(5/5) AAS
To know it, same as the deletion system, we need to know "bbs.cgi" system logic.
It may be reading source code.
973: 翔PC ◆KEEa96Ecz. 2012/06/02(土)02:14 ID:6Aqz2HNR(1/2) AAS

★120405 soap「面白いことに│弟子│昨日 」荒らし報告
(1): 翔PC ◆KEEa96Ecz. 2012/06/02(土)02:20 ID:6Aqz2HNR(2/2) AAS

975: 2012/06/02(土)05:40 ID:U8K7Dd0d(1) AAS
(1): 846 2012/06/02(土)08:18 ID:tnF5VZtX(1) AAS



(2): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/02(土)12:07 ID:CmSa5Z/+(1/2) AAS
There are many users, and if all are blocked from this amount of posts, then that is bad.
I think pinpoint regulation is better.
978: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/02(土)12:08 ID:CmSa5Z/+(2/2) AAS
Pizza yoga...:P
979: ◆ERO/DUMPAE 2012/06/02(土)12:35 ID:YJRsZzPI(1) AAS
This problem, volunteers leader did not reported to Mr. JIM ?
Other volunteers member did not reported to Mr.JIM ?
(1): 2012/06/02(土)12:53 ID:nYTCP3V4(1/4) AAS
>>翔PC ◆KEEa96Ecz.

in English, please.
981: 2012/06/02(土)12:55 ID:nYTCP3V4(2/4) AAS
You are right!
2ch staffs is crazy.
(1): 2012/06/02(土)13:46 ID:o4cRMo9r(1) AAS
>>1のTranslation/レス英訳・和訳スレ はそのにしておきますか?
(3): 2012/06/02(土)13:50 ID:nFvDhTQi(1/2) AAS

(1): ◆x/qYPRQKfqJj 2012/06/02(土)14:28 ID:nYTCP3V4(3/4) AAS
You know. PINK volunteers (such that Jim, JACK, Misuzuya and I ,etc.) have VPN account.
They are static IP address. Maybe, their range is very narrow.
I think their range can be defined as following "regluar expression"

for example:
vip0005.maido3.net ◆EROyVmNwwM
vip0225.maido3.net DeleDele ◆orzORZ/1Go

vip40034.maido3.net ◆Momoca3cMo
(1): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/02(土)16:43 ID:HeDcVDIP(1) AAS
I think they have been assigned randomly when they were issued. Reissuing them will cause problems too.
What is the good way to reissue them?
(1): ◆x/qYPRQKfqJj 2012/06/02(土)17:29 ID:nYTCP3V4(4/4) AAS
Many deleter's VPN is vip0001...vip0099.
maybe, volunteers are less than 100, isn't it?

I think the better way is asking the volunteer-users to change VPN account vip0001...vip0099.
if there are available VPN acount in vip0001...vip0099, assign whether we use or not.
Then, we ask the 2ch staffs to change the blocking range to "vip([1-9]\d|0[1-9])\d\d\.maido3\.net".
"vip([1-9]\d|0[1-9])\d\d\.maido3\.net" means vip0100...vip9999.

It's a story before we build our own system.
after that, let's remove vip\d+ from blocking list.
(4): PeekerChu ◆oto1PVgcBdPQ 2012/06/02(土)19:11 ID:rfp4sZ4V(1/3) AAS
this is the bolunteer translation.
In Japan, if you speak ill of someone else where the personnel cannot see(=inaccessible),
you'll be regarded to as a coward. Therefore, you'd better to discuss somewhere the target personnel accessible.

Now it seems that the time to create next thread;
Don't we need to update/correct items in >>1?
(translator's addition: the bolunteer translation thread does not exist anymore.)
988: 983 2012/06/02(土)19:18 ID:nFvDhTQi(2/2) AAS
(2): jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/02(土)21:59 ID:REMeIaMb(1/2) AAS
I understand. Thank you for the translation. Who spoke bad about who?
The endless game is a problem not just for the vpn but for other isp as well.
It is unfortunate.
I am looking forward to the way, your ideas would be appreciated.
990: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/02(土)22:01 ID:REMeIaMb(2/2) AAS
I will look through the ip blocks next week and see what there is available.
Of course it would be nice to have our stars back. That was very nice, but taken
away from us as well.
(1): PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv 2012/06/02(土)23:01 ID:rfp4sZ4V(2/3) AAS
in >>987 I mentioned malicious user of bbspink as 'bad.'
Now i say that you need not doubt any other participants, like you and 2ch volunteers.

To: Japanese
> The endless game is a problem not just for the vpn but for other isp as well.
> It is unfortunate.
> I am looking forward to the way, your ideas would be appreciated.

(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/02(土)23:13 ID:wcPSYIji(1) AAS
Yes, endless probrem.
This case, that attacked thread is related for the sexual service shop.
For sexual service shop manager, it is cheap cost for paying a little $5
to disable own shop thread... It is business economic probrem..
(1): PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv 2012/06/02(土)23:21 ID:rfp4sZ4V(3/3) AAS
OMG, it's my mistake; >>991 PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv is equal to >>987 PeekerChu ◆oto1PVgcBdPQ.
Then, I switch to PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv.

btw, who can create next thread? i'm very new in bbspink.

諸般の都合によりコテハンが変わってしまったので、以降はこっち、PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv を使います。
994: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/03(日)11:37 ID:0UKqIMKG(1) AAS
We all make mistakes Don't worry, be happy. If no new thread is made would we all dissapear? We could be lost in the mist, drifting away like Avalon.
It is human nature. When we find the cure, then we can stop going one step forward and two steps backward.
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/03(日)21:13 ID:FXkruoss(1) AAS
Excuse me, Jim-san,
Did you read japanese newspapers?
I'm worring you are made be like the OLYMPUS Woodford by 2ch
alien marionette top position...
996: 2012/06/04(月)00:31 ID:Gnmge2RO(1) AAS
Translation の新しいスレッドができたみたいです

Translation/レス英訳・和訳スレ part2
997: jim ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/04(月)00:35 ID:ExvptDOq(1) AAS
I have never heard of Olympus Woodford. I am definitely real and not a marionette.
I did not read the newspapers all week-end.
998: 2012/06/04(月)00:46 ID:OScXLOwn(1) AAS
Jim-sanが 怒るように 仕向ける ボランティアが いる
2chと 戦わせたい ボランティアが いる
Jim-san、 だまされないで
(1): Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU 2012/06/04(月)09:48 ID:rxPnPHPj(1) AAS
Did you read Sankei Newspaper which reports 2ch's legal investigation?

Some user traded a stimulant in 2ch's
2ch板:ihou (Drugs and Illegal) board, so the police
requested the deleteing, but 2ch admin ignores it.

So ZERO inc have been investigated the police.
The newspaper says, the police considered ZERO as 2ch server admin.

But ZERO says the newspaper "We have no role server management and
posting deletion (in 2ch). We don't have notice this crime ".
1000: 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA 2012/06/04(月)10:18 ID:slTI5AbW(1) AAS
The press makes stories, and the police are like Keystone cops following them.
Sane people know that is not true.
I have uploaded a new yoga video finally.
Take care if we disappear into the mist. I hope to see you there.
1001: 1001 Over 1000 Thread AAS
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