[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part20 (1001レス)
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67(1): 2013/09/05(木)22:12 ID:mHtRLHey(2/2) AAS
Jim-san, please kindly ignore these stupid responses by an idiot.
71(2): xerxes.maido3.net 2013/09/05(木)22:35 ID:YD4uokXm(2/4) AAS
He is probably not an idiot, he seems really angry. It is a way for him
to feel better. Those are public things he is listing, they are real
places, with people at them worried over this affair just like him.
I am not happy to be at the brunt of his anger, but I completely understand
the anger. I am angry too, but not at him.
"Riddle me this." - The Joker
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