[過去ログ] Rokka System (981レス)
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779(4): vip40011.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2013/10/06(日)19:04 ID:??? AAS
Nothing is broken. It works on all of Pink Channel. It works on all
of the retired past logs of Pink Channel and 2ch.
Login works site wide for both the old system and the new rokka system.
You can make a ● and you can login and post with it.
Only the recently dropped logs on 2ch are not working, and that is not
a system problem, that is a decision made by the consensus of the UNEI.
I am sure they have a reason for it. Probably you can see those logs
with p2.
781(1): 2013/10/07(月)09:03 ID:VQjeMHQB(1/12) AAS
Hiroyuki seems to think that it is up to you guys at N.T.Technology
to modify the Rokka System to his (and the Unei's) satisfaction.
Are you guys communicating with each other? I'm concerned.
782: 2013/10/07(月)10:15 ID:VQjeMHQB(2/12) AAS
The thing is, Hiroyuki wants a new system for retrieving past threads at 2ch
to be something that can be maintained by himself and the Unei, and nobody
in the Unei is familiar with Haskell, in which the Rokka System is written.
> 657 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2013/10/07(月) 07:25:25.38 ID:1RNxmxVk0 ?S★(1144901)
> 今回の流出は、どういったシステムかわからないものが、
> 2ch内で動いていたことが原因の一つなので、
> どういったシステムなのか運営側が把握して、インストールして、
> メンテナンス出来ない限りは、導入しないんじゃないかなと。
783: 2013/10/07(月)10:24 ID:VQjeMHQB(3/12) AAS
Moreover, Hiroyuki does not seem to be excited about learning Haskell
as a relatively new language like Haskell is not stable enough
the cost of maintenance would be prohibitively high.
> 671 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2013/10/07(月) 08:25:53.97 ID:1RNxmxVk0 ?> > S★(1144901)
> twitterがrails使って止めてみたりとか、
> 新しい言語って枯れてないので、
> 問題にぶつかったときに、言語自体まで掘り下げたり、
> バッドノウハウで回避したりとか、
> 面倒な事態に陥ったときのコストがでかいので、
785(1): 2013/10/07(月)10:35 ID:VQjeMHQB(4/12) AAS
So my question is, do you have any plan to rewrite the Rokka System in
more commonly used languages like Perl? We would like the Rokka System for 2ch,
but the Unei would never install it for 2ch as long as it is written in Haskell.
It would be a good thing for N.T.Technology, too.
I'm pretty sure that you guys don't want to lose revenue from ●.
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