[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part22 (1001レス)
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335(1): 2014/02/20(木)14:02 ID:5kb9ISG6(1) AAS
qb5.2ch.net is DEAD now.
336: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:03 ID:??? AAS
This is what our typical RQ look like.
337: 2014/02/20(木)14:04 ID:6s1Qkqf+(13/22) AAS
>>335 >>324 再起動中
338(1): 2014/02/20(木)14:06 ID:osrriSwL(8/25) AAS
I think nobody make a summary without admonistrator's permission. Without challenged and educational use,
Modification, deletion, partial usage, approximation is not allowed.
339(3): 2014/02/20(木)14:07 ID:MdEfa7MI(2/8) AAS
Thank you for quick reply,
I don't think people will stop to visit copy blogs even If 2ch made all the old date free.
Because, sometimes copy blogs help us to get useful information faster.
I think it is a little bit difficult to search the thread that exactly someone want in 2ch.
Moreover, ordinary people (which means not nurd lol) don't use 2ch..
So, inflowing from copy blogs is valuable for 2ch.
How about make these rules?
・Copy blogs need to write the original thread's URL each copying pages.
・They also need to pay license fee.
340(3): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:07 ID:??? AAS
They should not be trading drugs there.
I think it is ok to talk about their experiences
this is quite different than selling drugs.
I have a question. How do they sell if they are anonymous?
They must be putting their contact information.
That is against the deletion guideline.
These posts can be deleted.
341: 2014/02/20(木)14:09 ID:wQOSDn3Q(2/4) AAS
342: 2014/02/20(木)14:10 ID:6s1Qkqf+(14/22) AAS
>>338 I stand corrected. Yes affiliate blogs do partial usage, so it is not copy OK.
たしかにそうですね。アフィ系は部分的に抽出をしているので copy OK には該当しません。
343: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:10 ID:??? AAS
That is very common law. Use without
permission is not allowed by common law.
Commercial use should not be allowed without
344: 2014/02/20(木)14:11 ID:HgrJ8oxI(26/33) AAS
my idea (summary)
- 2ch.net have affiliate/ad ID
- 2ch will deploy aff/ad ID (for 2ch) to blogs, each by each
- some earn begins dropped in 2ch
- blogs who accept such ID will be given 'official' seal
- 2ch totalize each income, and show 'thanks' ranking on web.
345(1): 2014/02/20(木)14:11 ID:VZRrOJmX(3/4) AAS
they write a free mail address ,gmail, yahoo, etc. it still lain.
346(4): 2014/02/20(木)14:12 ID:jJRXHXkO(2/2) AAS
I think commentary sites talking about threads, discussing, and summarizing them is very good.
I think sites that copy 100% of the dats and display them exactly like on 2ch are bad.
347(1): 2014/02/20(木)14:15 ID:ukpOGVec(9/11) AAS
348: 2014/02/20(木)14:16 ID:HgrJ8oxI(27/33) AAS
>>340 意訳
>>333 それって、取引じゃないんだろ?
# ばっちり説明できる奴、たのむ!
349: 2014/02/20(木)14:18 ID:osrriSwL(9/25) AAS
>If 2ch made all the old dats free for everyone, then will you still visit the copy blogs?
Legally, as far as I know 2 channel has already adopted the license free because it puts (外部リンク:www.bunka.go.jp on the top page.
But if people want to make a summary as a copy blog, they must have the permission from 2channel.
350: 2014/02/20(木)14:19 ID:HgrJ8oxI(28/33) AAS
351(1): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:19 ID:??? AAS
There is something called "Fair use."
Would not that apply to ordinary people
(not nerds)?
352: 2014/02/20(木)14:19 ID:6s1Qkqf+(15/22) AAS
>>340 they use jargons to specify the drug name, and they post either
throw-away email addresses or SNS contact IDs.
Usually we (削除要請板people) turn downs the request saying that
"deleting post does not do any thing. The law enforcement should
stop being lazy and hunt down the owner of the contact addresses."
See below URL for deletion requests.
All entries coming from "IHC" comes enforcement-related (note:
they are retired law enforcement officers sucking money from
the government for doing sloppy job).
353(3): 346 2014/02/20(木)14:20 ID:MdEfa7MI(3/8) AAS
I totally agree with you.
Jim-san should ban some sites that copy whole data from 2ch and store it.
Here's example : 外部リンク:www.logsoku.com
They are copying whole contents from 2ch and store.
However, I think these sites will not work if you make the old data of 2ch free..
Moreover, as >>346 said, the blogs that copied from 2ch is really popular now in Japan and some of them are really useful.
354(2): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)14:21 ID:??? AAS
Those free use email sites already have
deals with the government for giving out
information. Why does not the government
ask them directly? It seems that is the
easiest solution to catch those criminals.
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