[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part22 (1001レス)

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(3): 2014/02/20(木)14:07 ID:MdEfa7MI(2/8) AAS
Thank you for quick reply,
I don't think people will stop to visit copy blogs even If 2ch made all the old date free.
Because, sometimes copy blogs help us to get useful information faster.
I think it is a little bit difficult to search the thread that exactly someone want in 2ch.
Moreover, ordinary people (which means not nurd lol) don't use 2ch..
So, inflowing from copy blogs is valuable for 2ch.

How about make these rules?
・Copy blogs need to write the original thread's URL each copying pages.
・They also need to pay license fee.
あと 662 レスあります
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