[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part22 (1001レス)
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714: 2014/02/20(木)18:35 ID:yqyplQkK(3/3) AAS
715: 2014/02/20(木)18:36 ID:yIXPUM52(1/4) AAS
716: 2014/02/20(木)18:37 ID:GmKbQNr9(5/6) AAS
Plz ignore.
717(1): 2014/02/20(木)18:41 ID:5zzYgTw7(1) AAS
Mr. Jim
We are very happy to know that MARU system has just come back the fanctions and that we have just been able to use Maru ID to loggon to the System.
There is a section in which we talk about Maru itself on 2CH.
In the section they ask for buy Maru again or buy new Maru for another year.
Threr are some members who stopped using Maru but want to buy again with VISA or MASTER CARD.
Some are want to buy it by sending money direct to you without Card as soon as possible.
Anyway we would like to say thank you very much for work very hard and making Maru live again.
718: 2014/02/20(木)18:41 ID:z0mYsxP/(4/5) AAS
719: 2014/02/20(木)18:45 ID:osrriSwL(16/25) AAS
As I read this thread, the copy sites for its profit has to pay for the license fee.
720(1): 2014/02/20(木)18:46 ID:HgrJ8oxI(29/33) AAS
721: 2014/02/20(木)18:47 ID:p77Jx1hG(1) AAS
722(2): 2014/02/20(木)18:48 ID:k+wr92Gs(2/4) AAS
2ch announces "Everyone is allowed to use without permission, if not be banned."
723(1): 2014/02/20(木)18:50 ID:TjbhEWyV(1/3) AAS
724(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/20(木)18:54 ID:??? AAS
ch2ken@banana8127:~$ rbldnsd -v -e -w ~/rbldns -b kuni.2ch.net:ip4set:kuni_iplist pref.2ch.net:ip4set:pref_iplist
rbldnsd: listening on
rbldnsd: file kuni_iplist(4687): invalid A RR
rbldnsd: file kuni_iplist(10265): invalid A RR
rbldnsd: file kuni_iplist(41384): invalid A RR
rbldnsd: file kuni_iplist(52013): invalid A RR
rbldnsd: ip4set:kuni_iplist: 20120914 115524: e32/24/16/8=16064/1123713/37727/42
rbldnsd: ip4set:pref_iplist: 20140220 095001: e32/24/16/8=615609/10864/136/0
725: 2014/02/20(木)18:54 ID:P7j1KWRT(2/4) AAS
how about no affiliate site that is useful to use 2ch?
726(1): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)19:01 ID:??? AAS
I don't know much about Affinia.
Are they owned by the Koreans?
727: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)19:02 ID:??? AAS
We are in a ridiculous situation.
728(2): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)19:03 ID:??? AAS
Pink Channel has a pretty good spambot.
It has discouraged a lot of spammers.
Although the hardcore continue even though
their post usually only stays on the site
for a few minutes.
729(2): 2014/02/20(木)19:03 ID:wD0jT2iq(1) AAS
hi jim!
730(1): 2014/02/20(木)19:04 ID:osrriSwL(17/25) AAS
I don't think so. They said, 'In principle, we would allow everyone to use the data of 2channel if you do for non-profitable purpose,'
Jim-san and Code-monkey-san
I think you may as well modify this page ( 外部リンク[html]:2ch.net ) based on your policy.
This may cause the trouble in relation to the copy right.
731(1): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)19:05 ID:??? AAS
Deletion volunteers are very important
and should be honored. Do you know
I gave the 2ch volunteers an entire
VPN server for their protection. Although
I don't think they were ever given an
account to use it. I understand how
important 削 is.
732: 2014/02/20(木)19:06 ID:7LE/U28m(2/3) AAS
733: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/20(木)19:06 ID:??? AAS
No problem, but I will be going to my
yoga class soon.
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