[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part23 (1001レス)
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834: 2014/02/21(金)17:09 ID:vaXaSXZ+(9/16) AAS
835: 2014/02/21(金)17:10 ID:QezCqeDe(3/3) AAS
836: 2014/02/21(金)17:09 ID:sBFCKxnD(13/14) AAS
Never mind
Technical language is Common
google manages Japanese Site in USA
837(1): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/21(金)17:10 ID:??? AAS
838(1): 2014/02/21(金)17:11 ID:GMYArY9E(14/21) AAS
> If he did that it would be a crime,
I'm afraid NO.
In japan, it is NOT a crime.
To leak private data is just of civil procedure.
Police do NOT work for that.
839: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/21(金)17:13 ID:??? AAS
Well it certainly is a shame. He won't
be returning here that is for sure.
840: 2014/02/21(金)17:14 ID:GMYArY9E(15/21) AAS
・キャップ再交付とか削除統括は、Jackさん がやる(ジムさんじゃない)
・Jackさんは数日(couple of days)ほど忙しいから対応できない
841: 2014/02/21(金)17:16 ID:GMYArY9E(16/21) AAS
839 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/02/21(金) 17:13:39.31 ID:???
Well it certainly is a shame. He won't
be returning here that is for sure.
842(1): 2014/02/21(金)17:17 ID:+MOUwFyF(21/27) AAS
This is a summary of >>760
I am >>203(a deleter)
It is very important for me who will be a supervisor of a deleter.
So, I am very pleased if you tell me this. I think someone may be going to apply to a deleter again if you tell us.
843(1): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/21(金)17:17 ID:??? AAS
If you think it is a wise decision. Please
release them. If it is a mistake, please let me know.
844(2): 2014/02/21(金)17:19 ID:GMYArY9E(17/21) AAS
843で話噛み合ってる? > えあろっくさん
845(2): 2014/02/21(金)17:19 ID:54mnHKc6(13/22) AAS
Thank you a lot Code Monkey san.
So, does the rumor that "in Ninpouchou server each Ninja ID's writing history is recorded"
turned out true?
All writing history since March 2011 was recorded?
Or was it shorter terms' one (like these three months)?
846: xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/21(金)17:19 ID:??? AAS
I am hoping to talk to Jack about that.
When he comes online again. I really need
his advice.
847: 2014/02/21(金)17:19 ID:+MOUwFyF(22/27) AAS
I am very happy. And I am very pleased if you tell us the details of benefits of 浪人 in the near future.
848: 2014/02/21(金)17:21 ID:t5+5esCu(1) AAS
849(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/02/21(金)17:23 ID:??? AAS
I am not sure yet. I am still investigating.
850(5): AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/02/21(金)17:27 ID:9kX7NqZR(2/3) AAS
Thank you.
I release from now.
> あなたはそれが賢明な決断だと思います。それらを解放してください。それが間違いであるならば、私に知らせてください。
851(1): 2014/02/21(金)17:28 ID:GMYArY9E(18/21) AAS
I strongly recommend you to stop Ninpouchou system while you are investigating.
Only after you are convinced that it is secured and very useful, you might restart it
aggain. But the possibirilty is neglective low.
852: I'mSEXman 2014/02/21(金)17:28 ID:rp3pXxep(1) AAS
Did you play SEX?
l played SEX yesterday wwww
853: 2014/02/21(金)17:28 ID:54mnHKc6(14/22) AAS
Thanks a lot.
I am looking forward to hearing from you again.
You are real hero for me.
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