[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part28 (1001レス)
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473(1): 2014/03/04(火)20:09 ID:Had0Khbq(1/3) AAS
Hi,Jim. It IS the first time for me to post a message on both this ITA and any BBSs in English,So sorry for my poor English.
I have a little question about your FREE LOGS EMBED WITH ADS system,
although I don't know much about the circumstances and what's all about.
From my superficial knowledge, the system reminds me of that of ancient newspaper companies' site.
A long ago(I don't remember how long),EVERY newspaper company publishes its every articles(including old ones) on the Internet for free with tremendous ads.
Internet advertising agencies had strongly convinced them of FREE article's bright future for management and freedom of speech, like "Free articles induce readers' curiosity for society issues that leading to increasing of pay-for-news subscribers,
and incomes from ads itself make a profit".
So the bright future has come? No, the think tanks and newspaper companies themselves estimated that FREE ARTICLES EMBED WITH ADS lead to decreasing of subscribers
and little incomes from ads, even not enough for running their servers, not company, and end up with massive deficit.
Nowadays, due to its failure, newspaper companies adopt each commercing method on the internet.
475(1): 2014/03/04(火)20:11 ID:Had0Khbq(2/3) AAS
479: 2014/03/04(火)20:19 ID:Had0Khbq(3/3) AAS
Thank you, that could be right that it is not just for 2ch, but the management of the PINK channel.
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