[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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118(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/01(日)14:28 ID:??? AAS
The server can handle it. Lets wait another day or two for more discussion before I make the game headline system.
Okay lets try it.
119(1): 115,117 2014/06/01(日)15:21 ID:1C3iUzac(4/6) AAS
I'm releaved by the response.
I see. We discuss about game headlines at daytime, and then I'll submit the latest list for that.
There are probably 65+ game (related) boards.
Please tell us if you need particular format for the list.
即落 in hunter board works well, immediately.
That's great for rather large new board, maybe in default.
I appreciate your kindness.
Thank you. BEアイコン:2ch-smile.gif
120(2): 2014/06/01(日)15:32 ID:ve/P8tOa(1) AAS
Mr. Hi Code Monkey
I came here to ask if there is a
In fact, I am very troubled vandalism came to the thread I'm having
I is located in the "plate net watch" thread I'm having
The local rules of the plate
■ exposed personal information requests and vandalism by personal grudge, it is also strictly prohibited vandalism copy and paste.
There are rules
This is a state in which copy and paste of the news not related to the net observation has been continued to be written
121(1): 119 2014/06/01(日)15:34 ID:1C3iUzac(5/6) AAS
I forgot to write.
Could we propose a complecated specification for game boards headline, if we make an idea?
Or it will be compatible with bbynews anyway?
Thank you. BEアイコン:2ch-ninja.gif
122(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/01(日)18:00 ID:??? AAS
What kind of specification are you thinking about?
I can quickly make it work similar to bbynews.
If you want a complicated specification, then it might take much longer to complete the system.
If the complicated specification is really good, then I don't mind building the system to accommodate that.
It will probably take much much longer to complete.
123(1): 2014/06/01(日)18:56 ID:1C3iUzac(6/6) AAS
Thank you for your reply.
I'm thinking about as follows currently.
Game category has more types of boards than news category.
For example,
1. "ニュース板" The board consists of simple news threads. (gamenews, etc. a few)
2. "総合板" The board consists of general purpose threads for each title. (gameover, etc. so many)
3. "個別板" The board consists of threads for each topic. (ghard, etc. so many)
4. "専用板" The board consists of threads for one particular series of titles. (ff, poke, hunter, touhou)
For 1 and 2, bbynews will work well.
124(1): 2014/06/02(月)00:31 ID:1RhO5jba(1/2) AAS
Hey, Code Monkey!
fox★ が jim★ に全ての真相を聞きにフィリピンへ乗り込むのを決意し、スレに両者が揃う
125(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/02(月)01:39 ID:??? AAS
Sorry that you are having trouble, but I am not capable of solving this problem. Sorry.
Okay, lets think some more about this design.
How will 3 and 4 work?
Thats an interesting thread.
126: 2014/06/02(月)04:06 ID:mGumigq+(1) AAS
Hi, Code Monkey san.
When we make a thread on "livefoot", it is too many to make a thread.
We aren't able to make a thread.
Can you change interval to compress threads in "livefoot"?
127: 120 2014/06/02(月)11:44 ID:yxq+nNYd(1) AAS
Thank you for your reply Code Monkeysan
It is very regrettable that so
I expect a good management in the future
Good luck!
128: 2014/06/02(月)15:32 ID:1RhO5jba(2/2) AAS
Thank you for your reply.
I apologize for not having witten sooner and it's a rough draft. BEアイコン:2ch-shame.gif
[2ch game headline]
I'm organizing my thoughts together with everyone.
We rent a workshop here.
【2ch】ゲームヘッドラインを作ろう (Let's talk about 2ch game headline service)
// outline
We re-organized game headline to three groups for ease of use in our mind.
129: 2014/06/02(月)19:16 ID:rOvaQdEg(1) AAS
130: 2014/06/02(月)21:22 ID:28guKmMF(1) AAS
is fall like water off a duck's back
Is this your copy protect?
131: 2014/06/02(月)21:48 ID:dsU5RzWu(1) AAS
So what's next?
禁転載 転載を禁ず 転載しちゃダメ コピー禁止
There are many variations of 転載禁止 in japanese.
132: ◆9r1la6KlWY 2014/06/03(火)00:29 ID:j64BXmw1(1) AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san.
Please change 東方Project board Settings.
vote thread
Default name:
now: 転'載を禁,止する程度の名無し@6/8LR投票実施
new: 名無しさん祈祷中・・・@転載禁止+6/8LR投票開始
133(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/03(火)12:42 ID:4RxpxDVG(1/3) AAS
Hello, Code Monkey-san,
Hunter board is a state of being on the road to improvement day by day.
即落 system works amazingly.
In the generality of cases, when their threads on current board reach to 1000, they move to hunter board. So I guess it will take some weeks.
Also, it seems that Monster Hunter F people like ogame2 a lot. We'd better leave them we think.
BTW. I wonder if I make an application for kanban setting here.
new kanban
134(1): 2014/06/03(火)12:51 ID:WLLC7YMw(1) AAS
135: 2014/06/03(火)12:54 ID:4RxpxDVG(2/3) AAS
Profit is better than fame.
136(1): 123,128 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/03(火)15:40 ID:4RxpxDVG(3/3) AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san,
I'm sorry to trouble you so often.
I apologize for the wait. Here is the list for game headline v0.1!
I wrote news by news boards are "a few". But in fact, there is a only one board, gamenews. It's only board belonging to group 1 now.
URL,board name,abbreviation(optional),group of headlines
So we propose that we add gamenews board to game headline to start. We want to watch how game headline works in our eyes to make an idea.
Of cource, anytime you're free is fine. Please don't overdo it. BEアイコン:2ch-shame.gif
Thank you.
137: 2014/06/03(火)18:40 ID:lLs+U25g(1) AAS
livejupiter is down
afilasu is not dead
fuck you
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