Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/
126: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/02(月) 04:06:20.82 ID:mGumigq+ Hi, Code Monkey san. When we make a thread on "livefoot", it is too many to make a thread. We aren't able to make a thread. Can you change interval to compress threads in "livefoot"? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/126
127: 120 [] 2014/06/02(月) 11:44:20.49 ID:yxq+nNYd >>125 Thank you for your reply Code Monkeysan It is very regrettable that so I expect a good management in the future Good luck! http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/127
128: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/02(月) 15:32:19.81 ID:1RhO5jba >>125 Thank you for your reply. I apologize for not having witten sooner and it's a rough draft. sssp://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-shame.gif [2ch game headline] I'm organizing my thoughts together with everyone. We rent a workshop here. 【2ch】ゲームヘッドラインを作ろう (Let's talk about 2ch game headline service) http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gamenews/1401615620/ // outline We re-organized game headline to three groups for ease of use in our mind. (0. NULL) 1. news by news headline 2. game-title by game-title headline 3. misc. headline We can classify all game boards into these three headlines according to the circumstance of the boards. Although the real view of headlines must be like as one headline I think. [news][gamenews] New foo is revealed. [game-title][gameover] The attack method for bar. [misc.][ghard] Let's talk about hoge. Like this. In this way, only a simple mixing algorithm is necessary. (If more complex algorithm will be necessary in future, you will implement it simply according to their headline groups.) // major problems * Too long [.+][.+] are ugly. Ideally in colored? (but notice 2ch viewer does not support colors) // a new format of the board list for the game headline URL,board name,headline group,abbreviation(optional) http://peace.2ch.net/gsaloon/,ゲームサロン,3,ゲサロ http://awabi.2ch.net/gamenews/,ゲーム速報,1,ゲー速 http://nozomi.2ch.net/gameover/,家ゲー攻略,2, I'm very sorry for completely messed up. sssp://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-sick.gif Please fix it for your convenience. (Is whole URL necesssary?, Is "" recommended for \s?, etc.) Then we'll make it so. Thank you. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/128
129: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/02(月) 19:16:49.10 ID:rOvaQdEg http://erobouzu.com http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/129
130: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/02(月) 21:22:39.24 ID:28guKmMF Hi @転載は禁止 is fall like water off a duck's back Is this your copy protect? hahaha http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/130
131: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/02(月) 21:48:58.64 ID:dsU5RzWu So what's next? 禁転載 転載を禁ず 転載しちゃダメ コピー禁止 There are many variations of 転載禁止 in japanese. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/131
132: ◆9r1la6KlWY [] 2014/06/03(火) 00:29:40.55 ID:j64BXmw1 Good evening, Code Monkey-san. Please change 東方Project board Settings. BBS_TITLE_PICTURE: http://i.imgur.com/mHVN9sz.png vote thread http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1400995679/ Default name: now: 転'載を禁,止する程度の名無し@6/8LR投票実施 new: 名無しさん祈祷中・・・@転載禁止+6/8LR投票開始 vote thread http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1400942718/ Drop number: now: 700 <- 750 new: 750 <- 800 即落 Setting: Any thread that has not had a new post reply in 24 hours and has less than 25 total replies will fall. vote thread http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1401035197/ http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/132
133: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 [] 2014/06/03(火) 12:42:15.21 ID:4RxpxDVG Hello, Code Monkey-san, Hunter board is a state of being on the road to improvement day by day. 即落 system works amazingly. In the generality of cases, when their threads on current board reach to 1000, they move to hunter board. So I guess it will take some weeks. Also, it seems that Monster Hunter F people like ogame2 a lot. We'd better leave them we think. BTW. I wonder if I make an application for kanban setting here. モンハン http://hope.2ch.net/hunter/ new kanban http://wktk.vip2ch.com/vipper22752.png Thank you for your support. sssp://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-smile.gif http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/133
134: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/03(火) 12:51:15.11 ID:WLLC7YMw >>133 狩りゲー板とかいってたのにモンハン専用になっちゃったのね http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/134
135: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/03(火) 12:54:32.64 ID:4RxpxDVG >>134 無理に同居させるよりその方がスムーズとの結論に。 Profit is better than fame. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/135
136: 123,128 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 [] 2014/06/03(火) 15:40:16.18 ID:4RxpxDVG Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san, I'm sorry to trouble you so often. I apologize for the wait. Here is the list for game headline v0.1! http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gamenews/1401615620/54-55 I wrote news by news boards are "a few". But in fact, there is a only one board, gamenews. It's only board belonging to group 1 now. URL,board name,abbreviation(optional),group of headlines http://awabi.2ch.net/gamenews/,ゲーム速報,ゲ速,1 So we propose that we add gamenews board to game headline to start. We want to watch how game headline works in our eyes to make an idea. Of cource, anytime you're free is fine. Please don't overdo it. sssp://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-shame.gif Thank you. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/136
137: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/03(火) 18:40:05.82 ID:lLs+U25g livejupiter is down afilasu is not dead fuck you http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/137
138: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/03(火) 21:18:45.35 ID:MWSgMGnf hey! 2ch.net cannot be show from PC! fuck you! http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/138
139: Code Monkey ★ [] 2014/06/04(水) 00:51:24.44 ID:??? I am currently in a place that does not have good internet. Please allow me a few days to finish these suggestions. My connection to the 2ch servers is not good right now. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/139
140: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/04(水) 00:57:22.48 ID:BfAfYTiO >>139 Please don't worry about it. Give "him" my regards. I'm sorry if my guess is entirely off the mark. sssp://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-smile.gif Thank you. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/140
141: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/04(水) 01:05:34.46 ID:a/67cWGM >>139 どこ行ってんの? こんな鯖落ちまくりなのに 仕事なめてんの? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/141
142: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2014/06/04(水) 01:17:33.94 ID:7V+vJnap >>139 sssp://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-okay.gif http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/142
143: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/04(水) 02:00:29.81 ID:8kbMe3em >>139 Fight! HaHaHa http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/143
144: 名無し編集部員 [] 2014/06/04(水) 06:54:07.33 ID:na7BpR5w http://img.2ch.net/emoji/2ch-okay.gif http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/144
145: Code Monkey ★ [] 2014/06/04(水) 13:32:39.84 ID:??? >>136 So we will initially just make a game headline using the gamenews board? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/145
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