[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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540(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/27(日)22:17 ID:kaYHm5Ls(3/5) AAS
I sorted them in 2ch bbsmenu order.
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch総合</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch地震・災害</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chニュース+</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chニュース</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch世界情勢</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch案内</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch馴れ合い</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch
541(1): 2014/07/27(日)22:32 ID:gX1nq52u(2/2) AAS
542(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日)22:47 ID:??? AAS
Done. Thanks a lot!
Anybody have more ideas for the new headline service?
543(2): 2014/07/27(日)22:50 ID:9G4xsh3m(1/3) AAS
headline bbynews isn't updated since 22:06:27.
Is it under maintenance?
544(2): 2014/07/27(日)22:53 ID:9G4xsh3m(2/3) AAS
is it possible to sort the threads by date of last update instead of creation?
(that'll act like thread-float as if it were one board.)
545(2): 2014/07/27(日)22:59 ID:LOXkr2zZ(1/2) AAS
Code Monkey-san.
Please install "BE ID display on the title of threads" in meow.
We have trouble with BE troll.
嫌儲に導入されたスレタイにBE ID表示するシステムをmeowにも入れて欲しいです
546(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/27(日)23:05 ID:kaYHm5Ls(4/5) AAS
That's all right. I confirmed it! BEアイコン:2ch-okay.gif
Maybe, extracted view like a general news sites would be useful.
総合 + 5~ categories.
But I don't have concrete idea about it now.
And I'm concerned about viewing by smartphones also.
It looks to be okay.
Thanks always.
547(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日)23:15 ID:??? AAS
Maybe it is crashed. I will restart it.
You mean on the BBY system?
Can you give me an example of an extracted view on a different news site?
What does " 総合 + 5~ categories. " mean?
I think smartphone viewing is okay, but it is not optimized for smartphone yet.
548: 2014/07/27(日)23:24 ID:9G4xsh3m(3/3) AAS
> >>543
> Maybe it is crashed. I will restart it.
Thank you, it starts to work again (though some threads seems to be skipped.)
2014/07/27 23:11:43 [実+]若者のCD離れスマホ普及率 20代90% スマホに入らない編集できない大きく邪魔[659060378]
2014/07/27 22:06:27 [実+]スーパーで格安のおかずが買えたお\(^o^)/
> >>544
> You mean on the BBY system?
Yes. something like: [スレ立て順 | 書き込み順]
549(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/27(日)23:34 ID:kaYHm5Ls(5/5) AAS
Yes, I can. But, in fact, I don't know a lot about modern news sites.
The view what I meant is almost 2nn style.
And I see about smartphones.
I guess ID:9G4xsh3m means he/she want to sort threads in 'last modified' date (in addition to current 'created' date).
I appreciate your ongoing support.
550: 2014/07/27(日)23:50 ID:LOXkr2zZ(2/2) AAS
Thank you Code Monkey-san.
551: 2014/07/28(月)00:03 ID:BdpWfBp8(1) AAS
I'm nice guy!
552(2): 2014/07/28(月)02:12 ID:Rp7+57xR(1/2) AAS
Hi Code Monkey,please check this thread.
Vicious big AA troll who may use 串&RONIN appears.
Can you burn his(her?) RONIN? Or please restrict writhing capacity of 串 user at about 1024bytes.
553: 2014/07/28(月)02:23 ID:j0xwusMD(1) AAS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:58:25.67 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:59:15.68 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:59:33.16 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:59:57.08 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:13.56 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:28.73 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:44.22 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:59.78 ID:EzMa4oPt!
554: Jack ★ 2014/07/28(月)02:29 ID:??? AAS
You have made a mistake in the place and person who ask. You should do that with the board of regulation.
555: 2014/07/28(月)02:37 ID:Rp7+57xR(2/2) AAS
OK,I do so. Thanks.
556(1): 2014/07/28(月)12:04 ID:gVUSvQsZ(1) AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san,
Please change SETTING.TXT of iOS board as follows.
The current setting is too low for technical boards.
In fact, therer are too many threads made by troll in iOS board.
twinkle for iOS Part57
twinkle for ios の不具合について語るスレ
557(1): Mango Mangue ★ 2014/07/28(月)16:17 ID:??? AAS
You should be use this thread.
■ 板設定変更依頼スレッド16
558(1): 2014/07/29(火)09:04 ID:e2T+7X9d(1/2) AAS
Is it wrong to ask CodeMonkey-san to change setting of boards he created HERE?
559: Mango Mangue ★ 2014/07/29(火)09:49 ID:??? AAS
yes. new board is for you. no for crawlers, no for Code Monkey.
you'll be able to discuss with users.(^o^)
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