[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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480: 2014/07/25(金)12:54 ID:ubC2OHOf(1) AAS
Is it not operate the ACS to SC?
481(1): 469 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/25(金)13:10 ID:sfAGuxfS(1/4) AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san,
I'm sorry for the delay in my reply.
I made a list for ~top10 on headline portal v0.01.
Thank you.
482(1): 2014/07/25(金)14:08 ID:ZDr5iIgQ(1) AAS
Talk about a dedicated browser.
483(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/25(金)14:37 ID:??? AAS
You're welcome!
Thats fantastic!
It will take me a while to implement all of these. There are so many!
I hope to make this working correctly sometime this weekend.
Thanks for the reminder.
484: 2014/07/25(金)14:40 ID:sfAGuxfS(2/4) AAS
I don't know whether android really need an android game board or not.
Tough I guess half of android game users are on the smart-phone apps board.
The andoid board is the board for android hardware itself mainly.
And it works well as hardware board since there are lot of android hardware at a market.
スマホアプリ (smart-phone apps board) has threads for android apps, android games
Android has the threads for android hardwares
485(1): 2014/07/25(金)14:57 ID:sfAGuxfS(3/4) AAS
Thank you for your quick response!
Not in a rush of course. There are really so many and there are several major problems in reality.
* Too populated boards will occupy top10s (news4vip, livejupitor, poverty, and maybe morningcoffee, iphone...?)
solution: to limit number of threads to max 2~3 threads per boards on a top10.
or dedicated top10 for these boards
* Some large boards have vaious mode of topics (Is the iOS game board a gameboard or home electronic board? Is poverty board news board or talk2 board)
solution: may 'labels' would be better than these 'directries'
or don't care it.
Have a good day.
486(1): 2014/07/25(金)17:10 ID:sfAGuxfS(4/4) AAS
We appreciate your help.
By the way, about rec'd 924, a number of people said "I want to see thread title name also."
So I suggest that format for example.
2.72% 2chスレ:newsplus
[%] [thread URL]
【川崎】コンビニから出てきた乗用車にはねられ、バイクの男性死亡 車を運転した女性聴取
2.72% ニュース速報+ 2chスレ:newsplus
[thread title name]\n
487(1): 2014/07/26(土)11:07 ID:irnLq3cO(1/2) AAS
Thank you about "もうずっと人⚪︎杉".
You're kind.
488(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/26(土)11:25 ID:??? AAS
Okay! I understand. I will work on this today.
If any boards still have a display problem with "もうずっと人⚪︎杉", then please tell me.
I will reindex those boards.
489(4): 2014/07/26(土)11:56 ID:n5x5bZnU(1/2) AAS
hey CodeMonkey
i propose 24 hour goto dat for over capacity threads
in meow board, there are some over capacity threads which we cant post and dont see
if threads which satisfy two following conditions should go to dat
1.over capacity
2.over 24 hour from last post
consider it please!
490: 2014/07/26(土)12:32 ID:pOyzpPbN(1) AAS
Thank you so much from handygover!
491(4): 2014/07/26(土)16:10 ID:Bl7qIS1v(1/2) AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san.
As for liveanarchy, it's inconvenient that log disappears immediately.
Would you like to leave log experimentally? if you will.
492(11): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/26(土)17:49 ID:??? AAS
Okay I modified meow.
Okay lets try it!
493: 2014/07/26(土)17:54 ID:Bl7qIS1v(2/2) AAS
Thank you!
494(1): 2014/07/26(土)17:55 ID:vICnTpKJ(1) AAS
495: 2014/07/26(土)18:12 ID:irnLq3cO(2/2) AAS
I can't thank you enough.
496: 2014/07/26(土)18:27 ID:zI7/Rv3/(1/2) AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san.
The experiment isn't bad idea.
However, in liveanarchy, most people don't hope for the log to be left because affiliate bloggers begin to reproduce the log to their blog.
Would you please make log disappear?
497: 2014/07/26(土)18:35 ID:fWcJDEox(1/5) AAS
you are foolish・
498: 2014/07/26(土)18:40 ID:WA6KfwGp(1) AAS
hi codemonkey
We are not pleased with the change>>491
499: 2014/07/26(土)18:40 ID:fWcJDEox(2/5) AAS
You should not change it.
Peace of the board will be lost by the change.
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