[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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15(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/27(火)19:58:09.54 ID:??? AAS
>>9 >>10
Yes, probably by increasing the amount of boards on that server caused the morning coffee board to drop dats slowly.
I will find a way to fix that problem.
>>11 >>12
Please ask Jim-san for that change.
Awesome, ill read that thread now.
45(2): 2014/05/29(木)00:35:10.54 ID:sV1mwoTj(2/2) AAS
79(1): 2014/05/30(金)16:15:45.54 ID:OsccU0TR(3/6) AAS
sorry for bad English.
liveplus is written in bbsmenu twice.
1. in news category.
2. in live catrgory.
He is talking about 2.
Thank hou.
103: 侍!nanja 2014/05/31(土)11:32:34.54 ID:MzkC2MSe(1) AAS
104: 2014/05/31(土)14:28:08.54 ID:bI2fb6e7(1) AAS
Thank you so very much
We love you!
117(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/01(日)12:44:09.54 ID:1C3iUzac(3/6) AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san,
Thank you for making & setting hunter board.
We want to install 即落 system on hunter board.
Could you change the settings as follows?
(before: none?)
after: Avoid the immediate fall in the 10 or more response in 12 hours.
Thank you. BEアイコン:2ch-ninja.gif
163: 2014/06/07(土)15:02:48.54 ID:yRqZnudC(1) AAS
284(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木)08:49:55.54 ID:FppOWcMS(1/2) AAS
New liveanarchy board is in a state of anarchy than anarchy. :-)
Maybe a place for nuclear tests?
It seems better! >>279's plan would enhances it furthurmore.
[bbygame - game headline]
We made list of boards v1.0. It includes their color. (3 colors category by category, and a ghard dedicated color)
Please add them all to bbygame when you have a time. An enormous number of boards...
Thank you. BEアイコン:2ch-guru.gif
409(1): 2014/07/19(土)22:47:30.54 ID:mrFVz9+h(1) AAS
440: 402 ◆0FnQVzDqu5pR 2014/07/21(月)11:09:15.54 ID:9Q9Dov36(1) AAS
Please excuse my poor English.
Problem of AKB board that thread falls to DAT immediately.
AKB board is due to the amount of threads that are created in one day too many.
Every day, a large amount of chat thread is created.
Useful large number of threads fall to DAT in this effect.
User thinks the inconvenience.
This problem is solved by creating a new board.
There was a similar problem in the past.
There is a "Johnny's" "Hello Project" of idol group of Japan.
514: 2014/07/26(土)19:26:10.54 ID:zI7/Rv3/(2/2) AAS
Your decision will never be accepted in Liveanarcy.
542(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日)22:47:52.54 ID:??? AAS
Done. Thanks a lot!
Anybody have more ideas for the new headline service?
583: 2014/07/31(木)04:10:41.54 ID:UIgt8s8+(1) AAS
618: 2014/08/03(日)01:49:02.54 ID:jKlpLEit(1/6) AAS
カテゴリ新設要望 Category new demand
【ゲーム総合 Game comprehensive】
全ジャンルの不特定の話題を総合的に扱う板用 Treat the overall topic of unspecified all genres
固有名詞を含むスレタイは基本的に扱わない Not treated essentially threadtitle containing proper names
【モバイルゲーム Mobile game】 携帯電話ゲー スマホアプリなどを移動
【ゲームタイトル Game Title】
For Game Title Headline
931: ◆WJUf/YbA0k 2015/12/15(火)19:45:14.54 ID:5Yn+aMWd(1) AAS
Hello. Code Monkey-san.
Please update the SETTING.TXT.
The following number of posts data.
indieidol board 2ch板:indieidol
12/07 4
12/08 15
12/09 9
12/10 11
12/11 4
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