[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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284(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木)08:49 ID:FppOWcMS(1/2) AAS
New liveanarchy board is in a state of anarchy than anarchy. :-)
Maybe a place for nuclear tests?
It seems better! >>279's plan would enhances it furthurmore.
[bbygame - game headline]
We made list of boards v1.0. It includes their color. (3 colors category by category, and a ghard dedicated color)
Please add them all to bbygame when you have a time. An enormous number of boards...
Thank you. BEアイコン:2ch-guru.gif
288(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木)13:00 ID:FppOWcMS(2/2) AAS
Thank you.
In my opinion, liveplus board shoud not be removed from bbynews because liveplus board is plus board without doubt. That board has the personality.
But it's my opinion.
Liveplus is only one semi-CAP plus board. And some plus board users dislike threads made by anonymous reporters simply.
Therefore, we could exclude anonymous reporters' threads from bbynews to settle the matter. It may make some people happy.
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