[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part32 (1001レス)
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721(1): Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com [sageteyon] 2015/01/09(金)10:30 ID:??? AAS
If you have what it takes to make
newsplus a better place. Please
volunteer to be a reporter.
The news that is displayed is based
on anonymous volunteer reporters.
I think most of the ultra-right reporters.
The ones you seem interested in returning
abandoned you. Or moved to news4plus +d
which seems to be improving reporting lately.
722: 2015/01/09(金)11:05 ID:CB6UjvIH(3/7) AAS
hm maybe my English was too poor.
It was pure vandalism using script. Please take a look and you'll immediately see.
723(1): 2015/01/09(金)11:11 ID:CB6UjvIH(4/7) AAS
Mango Mangue-san seems to remove this vandalist CAP,
so maybe you don't need to do something now. Thank you anyway.
BTW this troll is still trying to do phishing using another CAP.
he's called "K5"... possibly you know this famous troll.
724: 2015/01/09(金)11:21 ID:CB6UjvIH(5/7) AAS
I really cannot understand why drunker-san gave him CAPs and didn't take them back
knowing he is "K5" himself (yes he knew.)
But he did similar thing before (with another troll with CAP "あひるちゃん ★").
I think it's high time we stop giving CAPs blindly like >>721. It's really dangerous.
We alerady made it past May, didn't we?
725: 2015/01/09(金)11:31 ID:CB6UjvIH(6/7) AAS
Ah he is again devastating newsplus with another CAP he phished in >>723's thread.
I recommend you to ask Mango-san or drunker-san for explanation afterward.
726: 2015/01/09(金)12:02 ID:CB6UjvIH(7/7) AAS
Now mnewsplus and news4plusd are under attack.
The troll was/is posting thousands of threads titled '唐澤弁護士を誹謗中傷するのはやめろ'
at the pace of 60 threads/min.
Mango-san is chasing and erasing them so maybe you cannot see the threads now,
but you can see them with bbynews headline. It's really horrible.
Maybe we need to call the police?
727: 2015/01/09(金)16:49 ID:toeg3Tib(1) AAS
You must accuse K5!
He repeats this again!
728: 2015/01/10(土)09:53 ID:BrALmtj1(1) AAS
The whole 2ch/bbspink seemed under heavy attack yesterday. Good grief!
btw now K5 incident calmed down. Thank you all involved, and sorry for confusing you.
I'll try to give full details from the beginning next time we need your immediate rescue.
Now what to do next...
K5 obtained at least 3 CAPs from the form 外部リンク:plus.2ch.net
and he could also easily phish (steal) several CAPs
from other unexperienced/naive reporters to do more vandalism.
I sincerely recommend reconsidering the current way of issueing reporter CAPs without any screening nor training.
It's too vulnerable against vandalism, and we no longer have to worry about lack of reporters like last Spring.
It should also be mentionned that K5 were given the CAP named "赤翡翠 ★" by drunker-san,
729: ◆.j5TlHAPPY 2015/01/10(土)15:33 ID:ACC8Xi67(1) AAS
730: Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com [sageteyon] 2015/01/10(土)23:53 ID:??? AAS
Good evening
731: 2015/01/11(日)00:12 ID:f9hQS304(1/4) AAS
good evening... or rather awful evening :(
I wish we overcome this adversity (I heard this attack is against 8chan.)
It seems that who we used to regard as Hiroyuki actually was jim-san in many cases :)
732: 2015/01/11(日)00:14 ID:f9hQS304(2/4) AAS
oops not >>179 but >>719.
it's still laggy here.
733(1): 2015/01/11(日)01:20 ID:6XaP6UJl(1) AAS
734(1): 2015/01/11(日)01:33 ID:PI6lUH8O(1/2) AAS
Write in English plz
There are less words in English than Japanese.
735(1): 2015/01/11(日)03:19 ID:PI6lUH8O(2/2) AAS
Hey Jim
In Viper, we are in 2045 now!!
It's very very amazing that Jim-San made Time machine!! I can't believe that!!!
736: 2015/01/11(日)06:02 ID:NoTqm0z2(1) AAS
737: 2015/01/11(日)06:40 ID:f9hQS304(3/4) AAS
にほんごで かくときは
ひらがなや カタカナの おおい ぶんしょうに すると
ジムさんは りかい しやすい そうですよ
I heard Jim-san can understand you better in Japanese
if you use more Hiragana and Katakana.
(I think we'd better add this to >>1.)
738(2): 2015/01/11(日)06:52 ID:GJlVUuT2(1) AAS
739(1): Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com [sageteyon] 2015/01/11(日)11:27 ID:??? AAS
Welcome to the future. It sucks
the same as the present.
Currently ntp is disabled. We will
reset that clock shortly. I am sorry
for the inconvenience.
740: 2015/01/11(日)16:24 ID:AoSRasGT(1) AAS
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