[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part32 (1001レス)
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710(1): 2015/01/08(木)08:24 ID:QSBudd8a(1) AAS
BBSPINK error: 2chmate
サーバー unable to resolve host "www.kim-jongil.com": No address associated with hostnameに接続できません
What???!!!! kim-jongil.com?!!!!!
I just tried to acsses to 外部リンク:bbspink.com!!! What's the matter?
719(1): Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com [sageteyon] 2015/01/09(金)08:34 ID:??? AAS
わろた, That is a most interesting
thing. I set that domain several years
ago for a temporary 401 page.
We were having some problems with
Korea, and I sent all of the Korean traffic
to that page. Where are you from? What
server did you try to access and received
that error page? I have forgotten where I put
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