[過去ログ] バシャール、新しい地球へ (1002レス)

次スレ検索 歴削→次スレ 栞削→次スレ 過去ログメニュー
4: 2021/05/18(火)23:39 ID:IgxV+0EE(4/9) AAS
Come to see victory in a land called fantasy, Loving life for you and me
to behold your soul is ecstasy
You will find, other kind that has been in search for you
Many lives has brought you to
Recognize it is your life now in review
And as you stay for the play fantasy has in store for you
A glowing light will see you through
It`s your day, shining day,all your dream come true
As you glide, in your stride with the wind as you fly away
Give your smile,from your lips and say
I am free, yes I am free now I am on my way
あと 998 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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