[過去ログ] ロシア情勢総合スレ Part.5©2ch.net (1002レス)
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439: SLAV-chan from RU [Artymka1@gmail.com] 2019/12/03(火)07:20 ID:E3lDnGvx(1/3) AAS
"Levada center": 53% of Russians aged 18-24 years would like to leave the country — a record for 10 years.
"Project": RosStat six times underestimates the number of those who left Russia.
for example: South Africa Sahara = 33; European Union = 21;
I do not like to live in Russia; ( . here, even to lay asphalt can not be processed. In Russia, there is a lot of opposition to the power and rule of PUTIN. But the question of Ukraine is complex and will be podnimaetsa in 20+ years.good day."
440: SLAV-chan из RU [Artymka1@gmail.com] 2019/12/03(火)07:23 ID:E3lDnGvx(2/3) AAS
"Levada center": 53% of Russians aged 18-24 years would like to leave the country — a record for 10 years.
(source:外部リンク:www.levada.ru )
"Project": RosStat six times underestimates the number of those who left Russia.
(source: 外部リンク[html]:www.svoboda.org )
for example: South Africa Sahara = 33; European Union = 21;
I do not like to live in Russia; ( . here, even to lay asphalt can not be processed. In Russia, there is a lot of opposition to the power and rule of PUTIN. But the question of Ukraine is complex and will be podnimaetsa in 20+ years.good day."
441: SLAV-chan из RU [Artymka1@gmail.com] 2019/12/03(火)07:33 ID:E3lDnGvx(3/3) AAS
about salaries I am silent....only programmers earn from 1700 usd
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