[過去ログ] 【PS4】Overwatch/オーバーウォッチ Part668 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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(2): (アウアウカー Sa5b-Mhh9 []) 2017/01/27(金)16:01 ID:M+FAIifZa(2/6) AAS

the professional meta has not really changed that much.
Yes the professional meta only:

My advice for climbing the ladder is always to take the heroes that you’re best at and find a group of players that compliment your own pool – not to blindly stick to meta picks.
Sticking to what the pros play may make sense, but only if you believe that you’re at or near their level.
Remember when Genji dominated the meta?
How many people in ranked can actually do the things that Shadowburn, Seagull, and Kyb can do?
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