today's dish (83レス)

52: 2018/02/14(Wed)22:09 AAS
it takes a long time for me to write a response in english. (-"-)
53: 2018/02/14(Wed)22:13 AAS
i was wondering if you will create a new account.
hope to see you again. :)
54: 2018/02/14(Wed)23:00 AAS
i was bathing
(AA omit)
55: 2018/02/14(Wed)23:21 AAS
if i gave you all the words of love i possibly could
would i be out of words by tomorrow, and abandoned by love?

since i don't have many different phrases that describe my love
the wind tells me to be quiet before you are sick of hearing my talk

no, i may not even be here tomorrow
i m a flower that is only here today
no, i will not feel sad tomorrow
for i m a one day flower that blooms in full today

words of abounding love for you---i dedicate them to you today and tomorrow
words of abounding love for you---i give you as many as i can
56: 2018/02/14(Wed)23:23 AAS
sleep tight RG and HSS! (^o^)/
57: 2018/02/28(Wed)23:47 AAS
long time (p_-)
58: 2018/02/28(Wed)23:48 AAS
* today's breakfast *

a banana

'repeat after me "bana-na"!

i overslept. hahaha(^o^*)>
(1): 2018/02/28(Wed)23:50 AAS
* today's lunch *

onigiri x2
(fillng : grilled salted salmon chunks, spicy cod roe)

miso soup with tofu

karaage-kun (by LOWSON)
60: 2018/02/28(Wed)23:51 AAS
* today's dinner *

61: 2018/02/28(Wed)23:55 AAS


LAWSON! hahaha
62: 2018/02/28(Wed)23:58 AAS
i m taking a bath...
63: 2018/03/01(Thu)01:02 AAS
Quiero verte

Te echo de menos
64: 2018/03/01(Thu)01:03 AAS
ireally miss your responce...
65: 2018/03/01(Thu)01:07 AAS
feeling woozy today...

how are you today?
aren't you tired?
66: 2018/03/01(Thu)01:22 AAS
the truth is, you got far away
you keep running as always

i can whisper, i can yell
but i know, i know, i know

i m just talking to myself

talking to myself
talking to myself...

nighty night, RG and HSS!(^o^)/
67: 2018/03/15(Thu)01:48 AAS
i thought you'd be tired now
i thought you'd be hurt all alone
no matter how bad a day you had,
at the end of it, you always smiled and entertained me
so i thought you'd be feeling down in the middle of the night

i had no bravery to protect you, nothing to comfort you
i saw you off, unable to think of anything to do
i felt a twinge of conscience,
and i wanted to give you something
i looked all over for somthing, aniything
68: 2018/03/15(Thu)01:50 AAS
sleep tight, RG and HSS!(^o^)/
69: 2018/04/18(Wed)16:12 AAS

A month has passed! <(^o^)/
70: 2018/04/18(Wed)16:15 AAS
as ever,

nobody is there. <(^o^)/ hahaha
71: 2018/04/18(Wed)16:23 AAS

"ERROR: Unavailable Japanese character" (3 times)

hi Rockwell mang!
this board is severe and hard for Japanese!(^o^#)
あと 12 レスあります
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