[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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278: 2020/12/28(月)14:00 ID:di6PgxeD0(1/3) AAS
Mon 28 December - 2020
Long ago you learnt that getting along with those whose life is full of ups and downs is about listening to tales of their adventures, yet avoiding their actual dramas.
Recently, however, your own life has been unsettled enough that maintaining that balance is challenging.
Still, it’s worth a try.
Over recent months or, perhaps, years you made commitments or promises that, at the time, you thought you’d have no problem fulfilling.
However, time has passed and you’re unable to do as you hoped.
Powerful links to your ruler Neptune indicate destiny is offering ways to deal with them.
(1): 2020/12/28(月)20:16 ID:di6PgxeD0(2/3) AAS
For December 28-January 4, 2021
Image: "Hidden on the dark side of the moon, two glimmering sapphires"
Message: Secret places.

Business relationships and instructions from key officials may be unusually intense this week.
Over the next few days colleagues and work partners will be highly focused on past mistakes or forgotten details.
Fears of embarrassment may be an underlying theme.
If so, remain diplomatic and avoid offering to act as mediator or temporary leader.
After mid-week, powerful romantic overtures may demand a quick response.
A previously shy or doubtful friend or lover will now ask serious questions or reveal a long history of private attraction.
280: 2020/12/28(月)20:16 ID:di6PgxeD0(3/3) AAS

以前は内気かあやふやであった友人または恋人は、現在、真剣な質問をするか、個人的な魅力に関する(or 個人的にひかれていた?)長い歴史を明らかにするだろう。
281: (ワッチョイ d30b-crlN []) 2020/12/29(火)16:58 ID:OtvvUMpc0(1) AAS
The Weekly Outlook from 28th December
There may be fireworks in the air in terms of everyone's mood. It could be sparkling, bright, entertaining or it can be disruptive.
It just depends how you handle yourself. Don't try to suppress what you want to say or do, but don't let it all out in too dramatic
a way either. Although you know you really should be sorting out long term plans, what you really want is to play away the day
and enjoy yourself. Balancing the needs of the future with your instant desire for fun is crucial.

   12月28日(月)  週報
282: (ワッチョイ fd0b-WvD+ []) 2020/12/31(木)23:39 ID:34CFDmyz0(1) AAS
私が熟考したのは、2021年2月末まで海王星がノードとスクエアを形成する ことを、あなたにリマインドすべきかどうか。
(1): 2021/01/01(金)10:37 ID:ZLd4VAC60(1/12) AAS
Monthly January - 2021

With December’s two eclipses shaking up elements of your life, but often in welcome ways, as January begins, you’re still finding a new balance.
Others may be in a hurry but your instincts are correctly telling you that because the actual changes are still unfolding, any arrangements should be regarded as temporary, if not an experiment.
Once that’s clear, you exchange worries for the sense of adventure and discovery that’s appropriate for a cycle of powerful renewal, exploration, discovery and rebirth.
Final plans?
It’s far too early.

284: 2021/01/01(金)10:39 ID:ZLd4VAC60(2/12) AAS
Year to Come 2021
Rarely has there been a year more suited to your flexible, intuitive yet demanding nature.
When you believe in something or somebody, you’ll do all you can to make things work.
However, as you’ll discover, and in a range of settings, things are more complicated than you expect.
The secret?
Be patient.
Often it’s about taking time to understand changes, and how you or others will benefit.
But, also, as you proceed, you’ll discover completely new ideas or options or, possibly meet interesting people.
Knowing that, regard even simple plans as an experiment, one that will, at minimum, be rewarding.
(1): 2021/01/01(金)11:24 ID:ZLd4VAC60(3/12) AAS
Pisces Monthly January 2021

As we now know, 2020 really was the year of the 'Great Financial Reset'.
Astrologers had thought that this would be a year to remember.
They wondered how businesses would cope.
We are learning!
As of January 8th, Mercury joins Jupiter and Saturn now moving through neighbouring Aquarius.
This is one of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac.
With both Mars and Uranus also moving through Fixed signs there is likely to be fresh determination to cut new business paths.
Investment might require some signs to do serious belt tightening - your sign included.
286: 2021/01/01(金)11:25 ID:ZLd4VAC60(4/12) AAS

いくつかのサインに対して、投資の重大な引き締めが求められるかもしれない - あなたのサインを含めて。
287: (ワッチョイ 9b0b-Iopg []) 2021/01/01(金)12:43 ID:6+DEANjQ0(1/4) AAS
  2021年 1月 月報
288: (ワッチョイ 9b0b-Iopg []) 2021/01/01(金)14:26 ID:6+DEANjQ0(2/4) AAS
Your Monthly Horoscope for January
You won't be looking backwards over your shoulder at the old year or waste time regretting what you haven't achieved. You'll be all-systems-go
in forward gear, sweeping obstacles to one side and not taking no for an answer. With the help of energetic and supportive friends and team mates,
you'll make light work of whatever projects are on hand. You won't always be subtle or patient in expressing your opinions especially when obstacles
get in your way. But your direct approach may be just what is needed if you don't go too far. You will be scattered and at times jump to conclusions
which may not be the right ones. If you can take time out to reflect and ponder you'll come to better decisions. You will be slowly clearing the decks
of what is no longer of use for the future and will find that certain old ambitions no longer hold your attention. Inspiration will come when you least
expect so give yourself space to wind down.

   1月 月報
289: (ワッチョイ 9b0b-Iopg []) 2021/01/01(金)14:42 ID:6+DEANjQ0(3/4) AAS
Month of January
Since June, money may have slipped through your fingers like water. This month, a feeling of financial relief replaces frustration.
Mars encourages you to think more competitively and convey yourself more assertively. Venus and a New Moon influence friendships
and all things sociable. Even if you can't meet face-to-face, you'll be reminded of who your true friends are. Somehow, new social
circles beckon. Allow others to experience the unique qualities you bring to them.

   1月 総合運 月報
290: (ワッチョイ 9b0b-Iopg []) 2021/01/01(金)15:11 ID:6+DEANjQ0(4/4) AAS
Month of January
It could be single Pisceans who experience the most benefits of Venus affecting friendships and social circles this month. The planet of love
could transform one connection marked as 'Friendship Only' into something deeper or more intimate. But attached Pisceans don't miss out on
Venusian magic. An important and cherished aspiration could receive a new level of shared focus, bringing you and the one you love closer.

  1月 恋愛運 月報
しかしカップルの魚座さんは、金星の魔法の機会を逃さない。 一つの重要な長年の大望は、新たなレベルの共有された注目を
(5): 2021/01/01(金)20:51 ID:ZLd4VAC60(5/12) AAS
Pisces Yearly 2021

All years as special, but the years in which Jupiter moves through your sign (approximately one in twelve), usually mark milestones.
Jupiter makes its entry into Pisces mid-May 2021 but leaves by the end of July, to return to your sign fully at the very end of the year.
Those six weeks between May 13 and July 29 should be viewed as an overture.
This, together with eclipses accenting the backbone of your solar chart, indicate a year of rapid development on the career and family front:
bringing with it the possibilities for romantic activity.
True, following on from the challenges of 2020, 2021 will require focus by everyone on rebuilding and on health, and you won't be immune to these developments.
It may be though, that your magical touch makes all the difference to groups trying to become teams where your input should prove invaluable.

292: 2021/01/01(金)20:51 ID:ZLd4VAC60(6/12) AAS

Your career could go off in wild and crazy direction by the solar Eclipse on June 10.
It all starts much earlier when, whilst others are panicked by the speed and enormity of developments, you could oil the wheels
and ensure that others stay on track with their dreams and hopes: likely becoming invaluable in the process.
Whether providing PR, or general support services, by your birthday it should be acknowledged that you really are a vital member of a team.
Then, as Jupiter moves into your sign mid-May, opportunities should lead to you using your considerable expertise.
This, in turn, will likely lead to another offer arriving not long after the solar Eclipse in June.
By the next solar Eclipse in early December, you could be in different role altogether.
2021 then should see your career takes interesting twist: paving the way for even more exciting development as Jupiter moves through your sign fully in 2022.
293: 2021/01/01(金)20:52 ID:ZLd4VAC60(7/12) AAS

Every year brings its challenges.
Following on from what could be described as the 'Great Financial Reset' in 2020, challenges in 2021 are different, - but proably no less exhausting.
For Pisces, thought must be given to investments.
This is not the time to be lazy.
Before the middle of this decade, things could get very tough indeed.
It would be wise therefore to focus on savings wherever possible.
You may remember that Chiron, the planetoid operating between Saturn and Uranus, is moving through neighbouring Aries and one of the financial sectors of your solar chart.
Research suggests that this can bring painful lessons.
294: 2021/01/01(金)20:52 ID:ZLd4VAC60(8/12) AAS

It's often suggested that the one year in roughly a dozen when Jupiter moves through your sign, is a year when romantic activities take off.
It is perhaps truer to say that expectations increase.
That being the case, it is also true that during 'Jupiter' years, it's easy to fall for the wrong person.
So care needs to be taken - especially between mid-May and end July - and again at the very end of the year.
The former period is perhaps the most delicate as uring those few weeks Mars moves through another of the Water signs - plus there are eclipses.
These aren't cosmic traps, but are times when the vibration is altered and it seems that people wander off onto paths that appear exciting, but which could be treacherous.
What seems likely is that from the last day of October through to early December, when once again Mars moves through one of the Water signs (Scorpio),
is that you will experience deep and potentially lasting connection with someone with whom you really do want to share your life journey.
295: 2021/01/01(金)20:53 ID:ZLd4VAC60(9/12) AAS

As in 2020, health and wealth are intricately connected.
Yet 2021 might also be the year of revitalisation.
The need to do this may be apparent ahead of your birthday, and as Mercury turns retrograde in the first few weeks of February.
It would be advisable to ensure that all checkups are up-to-date.
Clearly much depends on your personal chart.
That said, when under stress, the Piscean feet can give out.
With this in mind, it would surely be wise, - both in June and again in late September - to ensure that this part of the body is given extra attention.
Note too, that with both the June and December Solar eclipses accenting the backbone of your solar chart,
296: 2021/01/01(金)20:53 ID:ZLd4VAC60(10/12) AAS

It would be unsurprising if you began 2021 wondering if how and where you live and work really suits you.
For a number of reasons, you may feel you need to consider either making a move or renovating.
These thoughts may be driven by a close relative who feels that where you are is no longer appropriate.
Between May 13 and end July, and again in the last week of 2021, Jupiter enters your sign
and the need for a bigger 'window on the world' (that could be literal), will be marked.
You might even attract a lucky break.
There's also the possibility of news regarding family expansion and perhaps reconnection
with those who have lived a long way away but who are now contemplating a move that would bring them closer.
(1): 2021/01/01(金)20:54 ID:ZLd4VAC60(11/12) AAS
Pisces Love Friday 1st January 2021

You are said to be ruled by the two planets, Jupiter and Neptune.
What this means is that you seem to be supersensitive to their position in the zodiac -
especially when they're moving from one sign to another or when the two are in relationship to one another.
Midweek they will be just 45 degrees apart.
In 2022 they will form a conjunction.
This then could be considered the last phase of their cycle.
It could be argued that this is the time for clearing out old dreams and making way for new ones.
Relationship-wise longing is probable.
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