[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)
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310(1): 2021/01/08(金)20:39 ID:GySXhIjw0(1/2) AAS
Pisces Love Friday 8th January 2021
what a difference a week makes.
With Mercury, Venus and Mars or changing signs the social world should build very different to.
Mars the planet associated with initiating is now moving through one of your communications sectors.
Making new contacts could appeal.
It is likely however that others have you in their line of sight and that they intend to make contact with you and before the song changes signs on 20th.
Next Wednesday's new moon is helpful too.
It to promises network developments most likely bringing you increase contact with those born under one of the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo Capricorn.
In their very different ways each could teach you something about building relationships and the value of enduring friendship.
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