[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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(1): 2021/01/17(日)01:08 ID:Rw4VGdIF0(1/5) AAS
For January 16-21, 2021
Image: "On a rainy Saturday, a young boy gluing together a model airplane"
Message: Making it stick.

Social promises, although positive and optimistic, may now be easily derailed.
Over the next few days watch for a friend or lover to unknowingly offer misleading information.
Areas strongly affected are group events, family gatherings or planned social celebrations.
Remain determined: in the coming weeks planetary alignments also indicate that others will rely heavily on your ability to bring others together, foster understanding or plan unique events.
Later this week a romantic proposal may prove mildly surprising.
At present, silent or withdrawn friends and colleagues will reveal their deeper feelings and long term romantic, social and family expectations.
Intense discussions may require diplomacy: stay balanced.
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