[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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(1): (ワッチョイ 830b-2+Dn []) 2020/10/01(木)21:47 ID:bHH2KT1B0(1/3) AAS
Week of September 29 〜
Your ruler Neptune is in your sign and floating off into dreamland. He is hanging out there in the ethers at the moment, safe from this crazy show
on Earth. Neptune represents the high road, along with your spiritual unfolding and inner connection to the Great Unknown. Neptune represents
the ideal, and most of the world is feeling as life here on Earth is far from ideal- from the pandemic, to politics, to the planetary environmental
extremes. The undesirable “p’s” are peaking and the world is teetering. Forgive me if I sound serious, but serious it is. Neptune offers guidance
from a heavenly view and will answer your questions now if you simply close your eyes and ask, as he partners with Jupiter to offer sage and
timeless advice. If you quiet your Soul and put your requests on the alter of your own inner meditation (JWG), the truth will be known and a way
forward will be shown. There is a war going on out there. We are at war with a virus, we are at war within politics, and we are at war with our
environment, as the ice melts and fires scorch the Earth. Warrior Mars is retrograde in Aries and squaring Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in the
next two weeks, which occurs while Saturn and Pluto are stationing direct, which means we are running out of time. There is something in your
life that may feel to be true in this way as well, but you have time to change it, we really do have time to change it. A Full Moon in Aries on
Thursday, Oct. 1, speaks to the urgency of the moment, and your personal role in making a major difference.

Mars is forming an empowering angle to the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, so follow your instinct and it will lead you home,
to your true purpose and to your ultimate calling!
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