[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)
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374(1): 2021/02/07(日)10:10 ID:AqPt++cP0(1/6) AAS
For February 6-12, 2021
Image: "In England, a garden party with the Queen"
Message: Attention to detail.
Family relationships and social events may cause excitement or confusion before mid-week.
Expect relatives and friends to be vague or misinformed concerning time schedules, planning or invitations.
Ironically, all of this confusion may happen just at a time when friends and relatives are overly sensitive to social misunderstandings.
Stand your ground and don't be caught in the middle.
For the next 12 to 14 days many Pisceans will need to set firm boundaries in social relationships.
Refuse to let old friends or long-term companions dictate your plans.
Wednesday through Friday also accents unusual financial exchanges: loans, requests for payments or late arriving debts may be temporarily bothersome.
Go slow and watch small documents carefully for mistakes.
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