[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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(1): 2021/02/07(日)10:11 ID:AqPt++cP0(3/6) AAS
Daily Sun 07 February - 2021
At the moment, the challenge for you, as a compassionate Pisces, is to do and say nothing.
This ranges from simple issues to matters in which others are suffering.
In every case, however, you’re short of facts.
Once those missing insights surface, in a few days’ time, everything will look very different.

Weekly Sun 07 February - 2021 To Sat 13 February - 2021
Most Pisceans are idealists.
However, you also have an understanding that while certain promising arrangements will fall into place like magic, others will take time or, possibly, require discussion, if not a serious rethink.
This, in turn, could mean re-evaluating your priorities.
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