[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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(1): (ワッチョイ 830b-2+Dn []) 2020/10/03(土)00:41 ID:bsNbpmx80(1/3) AAS
Week starting 2nd October
Your awesome intuition is usually finely tuned. But from this week, it could feel as if a reboot or an 'auto-scan' is needed. You could
be prone to misinterpreting signs and signals in your emotional world or those that come from a partner. Assumptions or jumping to
conclusions could lead to trouble. But if you make a concerted effort to consider others' or a loved one's feelings wherever possible,
then you'll keep any tension or confusion waiting to manifest at bay.

Month of October
Venus casts a delightful, comforting influence with partnerships and commitments from the 2nd until the 27th. Whether you're single
or attached, a harmonious vibe will exist within your closest relationships, or one in particular. From the 19th, you could be aware of
how integral to achieving a cherished hope, wish, or dream a lover or potential sweetheart can be. If this surrounds a connection
becoming less platonic, more formal, or deeply committed, then see what transpires!
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