[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)
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54(1): 2020/10/05(月)22:44 ID:gvuyaPua0(1/2) AAS
For October 5-11, 2020
Image: "In a cozy nest, an old owl and a small, speckled egg"
Message: Beginnings and endings.
Romantic attractions and renewed sensuality will be distracting over the next few days.
A recent period of delay or social withdrawal is now ending: expect loved ones to now accept the limitations imposed by family members.
Traditional roles versus emotional freedom may be a theme: watch for subtle but important progress.
Physical vitality and emotional health will be a strong influence: listen to the wisdom of your inner voice.
After Wednesday watch also for a wave of nostalgia or sentimentality to arrive in key friendships.
For the next three to four days expect friends or close work associates to relive old memories, search out past lovers or study powerful emotional lessons from the past.
Don't offer your opinion: much of this will be irrational and deeply felt.
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