[過去ログ] 【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part67【翻訳】 (818レス)

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(1): (ワッチョイ b70b-lr1q []) 2020/10/14(水)23:33 ID:0cZ8R/MZ0(1/2) AAS
Week of October 14 〜
There are still bits of magic in the air so collect the fairy dust while you still can, as generous Jupiter in Capricorn just formed
its final supportive link, called a sextile, to your ruler Neptune in your sign. Not to sound too dramatic but this aspect will never
return in your lifetime. If you are experiencing something that feels to be ideal or have reached a place on the path that reflects
secure steps toward your dream, consider yourself blessed by Jupiter. You can use this time now to energize a higher walk and
a more committed pursuit. In addition, look to your heavenly guides to keep you in step with your best efforts and the results
will show themselves in some form or fashion in the next two weeks. I would also suggest adding additional dimensions to the
vision you have for yourself. The aspect is still strong as we initiate this forecast week but the energy begins to wane as time
presses on. Mercury stations retrograde in fellow water sign Scorpio on Tuesday, Oct. 13, and opposes radical Uranus this week
so you can expect the unexpected. Warrior Mars is retrograde in Aries and is in a downright driven position to the North Node,
the symbol that pulls you into your future, energizing a strong inner will to evolve and to come out on top. Know what you want
and trust your compass.

Your version of heaven as a result of hard work awaits!
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